Figs. 25 - 28, checking the working systems
- Charge the flight battery.
- Switch the transmitter on, and move the throttle stick to
the "Motor stopped" position.
- Place the fully-charged flight battery in the fuselage and
connect it to the speed controller. Wait for the sequence
of beeps.
- Check the neutral position of the control surfaces: adjust
the swivel pushrod connectors and / or the clevises if
- Place the model on the floor and stand behind it.
- Check the direction of rotation of the servos:
- Move the aileron stick to the right (a), and the right-hand
aileron should rise (a), the left-hand aileron fall (b).
- Pull the elevator stick back towards you (c), and the trail-
ing edge of the elevators should rise (c).
- Move the rudder stick to the right (e), and the nosewheel
must deflect to the right (e), as seen from the tail, looking
- If any function works the wrong way round, correct it
using the servo reverse facility for that channel on your
- Check that all control surface linkages are firmly secured
but free-moving.
Motor run
- Hold the model firmly.
- Make sure that there are no loose objects in front of the
model, such as cloths, tools and similar, as the power
system could suck them into the fan and cause dam-
- Open the throttle: the motor should now start running.
You should be able to feel a distinct flow of air leaving the
tail of the model.
- Return the throttle stick to the "Motor stopped" position.
Assembly and operating instructions
F 18 Blue Angel
- Disconnect the battery from the speed controller, then
switch the transmitter off.
- The model is now ready to fly - as soon as you have
recharged the battery.
Test-flying, flying notes
- Please read the sections entitled "Routine pre-flight
checks" and "Flying the model" in the Safety Notes
before attempting to fly the model for the first time.
- For your first few flights please wait for a day with no
more than a gentle breeze.
- A good flying site consists of a large, flat, open grassy
field, devoid of trees, fences, high-tension overhead
cables etc.
- Repeat the check of all the working systems.
- Ask an experienced modelling friend to hand-launch the
model for you. He should be capable of giving the model
a reasonably strong, flat launch.
- The model must be launched directly into any wind.
- With the motor running at full-throttle, give the aeroplane
a firm launch directly into any breeze, with the fuselage
and wings level.
- Keep the "F 18" flying straight and level at first; don't turn
the model while it is still close to the ground.
- Adjust the control surface trims if necessary, so that the
model flies straight with a reasonable rate of climb "hands
- Check the model's response to control commands; you
may need to increase or reduce the control surface trav-
els after the first landing.
- Check the aeroplane's stalling speed at a safe height.
- Keep the model's speed well above the stall for the land-
ing approach.
- If you needed to adjust the trims during the test-flight,
correct the appropriate pushrod length once the model is
back on the ground, then return the transmitter trims to
centre so that full trim travel is available to both sides of
neutral for subsequent flights.
- The model is also capable of taking off from the ground
thanks to its steerable nosewheel. You will need access to
a smooth, flat runway for this.
robbe Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG
We reserve the right to alter technical specifications.