Function description.
Confi guration of activation times.
* Timed: This allows you to confi gure the activation time between 1 and 120 seconds
in the seconds range and between 1 and 120 minutes in the minute rage.
* Continued: Allows the relay to be confi gured to keep the contact closed until
deactivation occurs by means of a short-circuit between the RESET and -.
Timed Function confi guration.
1. Press the PRG button 3 times. The T led must remain lit.
a) If you want to confi gure the time in seconds press the SEC/SINGLE button, with each
press it increases the time 1 seconds and the T led fl ashes. If you have reached the
maximum confi gurable time (120 seconds), the T led fl ashes rapidly.
b) If you want to confi gure the time in minutes press the MIN/ALL button, with each press
it increases the time 1 minute and the T led fl ashes. If you have reached the maximum
confi gurable time (120 minutes), the T led fl ashes rapidly.
3. Once the desired confi gured time is confi gured, press PRG. All leds must be off.
- You can not confi gure the times in both ranges (minutes and seconds). If the confi guration
starts within the range (minutes or seconds), continue within the same range and the buttons
pressed on the other range will not be considered.
Continued function confi guration.
1. Press the PRG button 3 times. The T led must remain lit.
1. Simultaneously press the buttons Sec/Single and Min/All, the leds should turn off.
2.5.1 TX Operating Mode
-The mode where the relay sends commands to other devices depending on the confi gured
command (in this mode, the relay does not activate the output).
- To access this mode confi gure the bridge to TX mode.
Lock-release function after receiving a call.
Lock-release function to a confi gured panel. LOCK-RELEASE FUNCTION UPON RECEIVING A CALL
Function description.
You can associate the duox relay to a house so that upon calling a home you have
30 seconds, via activation of the Set terminal (button connected between the SET terminals
and -) for the Lock-release command to be sent to the panel that last made the call. This
way the user does not have to go to the house´s terminal to press the lock-release button.
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