Find "Video" on Home menu, press button
from local folder or card folder if the memory card is inserted.
Press button
fast backward/forward.
When it's on video playing interface, press button
Repeat, Delete Video. Set according to your preference.
Find "Recordings" on the Home menu, click button
show, including: Start Voice Recording, Recordings Library, Save location(only available when SD
card inserted), Record Format, VOR On/Off.
Choose "Start Voice Recording" and press button
pause. Press the button
Find the saved recordings in Recordings >Recordings library.
Save location. Choose to store your recordings in internal or external memory. Confirm your
selection with button
Record Format. Choose the record format between MP3/PCM.
VOR On/Off. When you start recording under VOR mode, the recorder will start recording
automatically if sound is detected and stop recording when no sound detected.
Find "Pictures" on the Home menu, click button
to view pictures, click
When it's on picture viewing interface, press
settings, Delete picture, Set according to your preference.
Note: The device only supports pictures in JPG, BMP and GIF format.
Find "EBook " on Home menu, click button
While it's on text playing interface, click button
to watch videos, press
and choose "yes" to save the recording file.
to access to its function. You will need to choose
to go to previous/next video or hold down to
to access to its submenu, including:
to access to its function. The related list will
to start voice recording, press again to
to access to its function.
to go to previous/next picture.
to access to its submenu, including: Slideshow
to access to its function.
to turn the pages. Click
to play