Checking error messages
If the battery charger's built-in self-testing function detects a fault, this is indicated via
the status LED's on the front panel. Red flashing LED indicates a charging fault. Red
fixed light indicates a fault in the charger.
Please make a note of any faults and send for authorised service personnel.
1. Check that the battery is free from defects, in good condition and is the correct
type for the battery charger.
2. Check that the battery is correctly connected and that the battery fuse, if any, are
3. Check that the mains voltage is correct and that all fuses are intact.
4. Check the wiring and adapter to ensure that there is no visible damage.
The battery charger shall be recycled as metal and electronic scrap.
Charging curves (figure 6, 7)
The program tables in figure 6 and 7 are only valid if program chip stated in the
"program row" of the tables is mounted in your battery charger. Check the bat-
tery charger marking.
If the charger settings need to be change as a result of a change of battery type, carry
out the following steps:
1. Identify the type of battery. Flooded or valve regulated lead/acid batteries.
2. Identfy battery voltage and battery capacity C
3. Make sure that the battery charger and the assembled program are suitable for the
new battery. If uncertain, contact your supplier.
4. Find your battery charger [CHARGER] and program [PROGRAM] in the table.
5. Go to flooded [WET], [WET PULSE] or valve regulated [DRY].
6. Turn the program switch for the actual battery capacity according to the columns [Ah]
and [Switch Pos].
* Text within brackets [ ] refer to columns and rows in the program tables.