Mount the damper on the powder filter and then
place them in the prefilter with aligning the mounting
position markings.
Finally, mount the tank cover and lock it.
Fig.12: 1. T ank c o v er 2. Powder filter (HEPA)
3. D amper 4. Prefilter 5. T ank 6. Mounting
position marking
Before using the po der filter, make
sure that prefilter and damper are al ays used
together. It is not allowed to install powder filter
solel y .
Installing the ater filter
Only for cloth filter model (optional accessory)
Never pick up water or wet dust
ithout the oat and the cloth filter or the ater
For picking up wet dust, make
sure that the oat cage and the oat are installed
on the cleaner.
When installing the ater filter on
the tank, set it tight at the opening of the tank so
that the hook of the ater filter engages the tank
opening firmly and there is no space bet een the
ater filter and the tank.
To pick up water or wet dust only, the water filter is more
suitable than the cloth filter.
When installing the water filter, align its mounting posi-
tion mark w it h t h e one on t h e tank.
Fig.13: 1. Water filter 2. T ank 3. Mounting position
NOTE: It is recommended using water filter when
pi c king up large amount o f w ater repeate d l y .
O t h er w ise v a c uum abilit y ma y be re d u c e d in c ase o f
cloth filter.
Installing the paper pack
Optional accessory
W hen using the paper pack, also
use the cloth filter or prefilter together that is
preinstalled on the tool. Failure to use the cloth filter
/ prefilter together may cause unusual noise and heat,
resulting in a fire.
(For the cloth filter model)
Never pick up water or other liquids or wet
dusts when using the paper pack. P i c king
up su c h t h ings ma y c ause t h e paper pa c k
Before using the paper pack, make sure that
po der filter (optional accessory), damper
(optional accessory) and prefilter are al ays
used together.
(For the powder filter model)
Before using the paper pack, make sure
that po der filter, damper and prefilter are
always used together.
R emo v e t h e rubber h ol d er.
Fig.14: 1. R ubber h ol d er
Extend the paper pack.
Align the paper pack opening with the dust suction
opening o f t h e c leaner.
I nsert t h e c ar d boar d o f t h e paper pa c k onto t h e
h ol d er so t h at it is positione d at t h e en d be y on d t h e
d etent protrusion.
Fig.15: 1. P aper pa c k 2. Holder
Installing the polyethylene bag
C leaner c an also be use d w it h out pol y et h y lene bag.
However, using polyethylene bag is easier to empty the
tank w it h out letting y our h an d s d irt y .
S prea d t h e pol y et h y lene bag in t h e tank. I nsert it
bet w een t h e h ol d er plate an d t h e tank, an d pull it to t h e
h ose inlet.
Fig.16: 1. Holder plate 2. P ol y et h y lene bag
S prea d t h e bag aroun d t h e top o f t h e tank so t h at t h e
cloth filter / prefilter edge can catch and hold the bag
se c urel y .
Fig.17: 1. Cloth filter / prefilter
NOTE: A polyethylene bag available on the
market can be used. .
re c ommen d e d .
NOTE: T oo mu c h d ust w ill tear t h e bag easil y , so
d o not c olle c t t h e d ust more t h an t h e h al f o f t h e bag
c apa c it y .
Emptying the polyethylene bag
Always make sure that the
cleaner is switched off and the battery cartridge is
removed before emptying the polyethylene bag.
Failure to do so may cause an electric shock and
serious personal injury.
Do not apply a great impact on the
oat cage and tank. Applying a great impact may
c ause d e f ormation an d d amage to t h e parts.
Empty the tank at least once a day
although this depends on picked-up dust volume
in the tank. O r, t h e su c tion f or c e w ill w eaken an d t h e
motor ma y be broken.
Do not grab the hook when empty-
ing the tank. G rabbing t h e h ook ma y c ause t h e h ook
to break.
Unhook and lift up the tank cover.
Shake off the dust from the cloth filter / prefilter and then
take t h e pol y et h y lene bag out o f t h e tank.
NOTE: T ake t h e pol y et h y lene bag c are f ull y out o f t h e
tank so t h at t h e pol y et h y lene bag c annot be c aug h t
an d torn b y t h e protrusion insi d e t h e tank w h en emp-
t y ing it.
NOTE: Empty the polyethylene bag before it
be c omes f ull. T oo mu c h d ust in t h e tank ma y c ause
t h e pol y et h y lene bag to be torn.
mm or thicker one is