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Play songs

To play a song or album, find it in My Library, under Sources.
Sync your music from your PC to your phone
1. Download V CAST for free at
and install it on your PC.
2. Connect your phone and PC using a USB cable.
3. Drag the Notifications panel down and touch USB
Connection Mode .
4. Touch Windows Media Sync or Mass storage mode, then
touch OK to confirm.
Your phone will appear in the Sources section of the V CAST
application on your PC.
5. Drag and drop the song(s) you want to sync from My Library
to your mobile phone.
6. Once synchronization is complete, right click on your device
and select Disconnect . Then disconnect the USB cable.
7 . If you erase music you've previously purchased, you can
simply re-sync with your PC to add the song back to your
phone's music library.
Play songs with your wireless device.
1. From the Home Key
2. Touch one of the following tabs:
Artists/ Albums/ Songs/ Playlists
3. Touch a song to play it.
A compatible USB cable is required for syncing. V CAST wireless device and additional
charges required for V CAST service. 3-D games for additional download fee. V CAST music
not available on all V CAST wireless devices. Per-song charges apply for music downloads.
Always download legally. All brand and product names not owned by Verizon Wireless are
the property of their respective owners. If you have any questions about using V CAST
Music service on your specific wireless device, visit
and Music
, touch the Applications Launcher



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