secTIoN 5
Check the problem against the symptoms in the following troubleshooting guide. The remedy may be quite simple. If
the cause cannot be quickly located, shut off the input power, open up the unit, and perform a simple visual inspection of
all the components and wiring. Check for secure terminal connections, loose or burned wiring or components, bulged or
leaking capacitors, or any other sign of damage or discoloration.
The cause of control malfunctions can be found by referring to the sequence of operations and electrical schematic dia-
gram and checking the various components. A volt-ohmmeter will be necessary for some of these checks.
list of help codes
eRR 1: High input voltage. Input voltage has exceeded requirement by 15% or greater.
eRR 2: Low input voltage. Input voltage is below requirement by 15% or greater. Note: Lower limit for 208 V supply is 5%.
eRR 3: Over-voltage at the output. If the output voltage exceeds 80V, the machine will shut off the contactor. This was
implemented to prevent a snubber failure from causing a dangerous voltage to appear at the output terminals.
eRR 4: Over temperature. One of the thermal switches has opened.
eRR 5: Over current in single-phase operation. In MIG welding, if an operator draws more than 250 amps for more than 5
seconds, this error will occur. In STICK or TIG modes, the machine will display this error if the control pot is turned
up above 250 amps in single phase.
eRR 6: Extended secondary short circuit. The machine will allow a full short circuit condition (secondary current of more
than 500 amps) to exist for 320 milliseconds before this error occurs.
eRR 7: Primary Over-current. This may indicate a failure of an output diode, the Hall Effect current sensor or a magnetic
short to chassis.
elecTRIc sHock cAN kIll! Be suRe THAT All pRImARy poWeR To
THe mAcHINe HAs BeeN exTeRNAlly dIscoNNecTed. opeN THe
lINe (WAll) dIscoNNecT sWITcH oR cIRcuIT BReAkeR BefoRe AT-
TempTING INspecTIoN oR WoRk INsIde of THe poWeR souRce.
volTAGes IN WeldING equIpmeNT ARe HIGH eNouGH To cAuse
seRIous INjuRy oR possIBly deATH. Be pARTIculARly cAReful
ARouNd equIpmeNT WHeN THe coveRs ARe Removed.