2. And finally, if one of the RIFLE A-J modes was chosen, and as long as unit of measure and a sight-in distance was
selected, you have the option of determining how you would like hold-over / bullet-drop displayed. If measurement
units are in yards, you will be able to choose between inches, Mils, or MOA. The "CM" for centimeters or "IN" for
inches will flash in the display and the SETUP icon is still lit. Once the desired ballistic measure is displayed, select it
by pressing and releasing the power button. If units of measure selected previously was Meters, then your hold-over /
bullet-drop will automatically be displayed in centimeters.
Upon returning to the normal operating menu, the current compensation mode and unit of measure will be identified
in the display as indicated below.
SETUP menu
Normal Operating Menu
When the unit automatically powers down, operation will always return to the normal operation (i.e. away from
SETUP) with the last used ARC mode active (i.e. RIFLE HD, RIFLE, or REGULAR) along with the last used
TARGETING modes active (Standard SCAN, BULLSEYE, or BRUSH). If the unit turns off while in the SETUP
menu, the unit will always return to the last mode(s) still active.
Once the range is displayed, continue to hold the POWER button down for approximately 2 seconds while holding
the aiming circle on the object and keeping the unit as steady as possible so as to allow the inclinometer enough time