hile the oiler- replace is or ing pressing the 0/1 e
seconds egins the shutdo n process and "
or 10 minutes . The turning o phase includes
- The interruption o alling pellets
- The circulation o running ater.
- mo e e tractor operating at ma imum speed.
- Air ventilation
ever pull the plug during shutdo n.
. . lease note that the circulator runs until the ater tempe-
rature drops elo 40° C.
Setting the clock
ress the
utton or 2 seconds and use the + and
to ollo the instructions given on the displa to access the
Cloc ' menu. This allo s ou to set the time on the electro-
nic control oard. Then press
appears in sequence this can e ad usted da , month, ear,
hour, minutes, da o the ee .
displa , ou can chec that the settings have een entered cor-
e ore con rming. ress
' then appears on the displa .
Programmer to ignite and shutdown the thermal stove at
various times during the week.
ress the
utton on the remote control or the s noptic
panel or 2 seconds to access the time setting unction and
press the + e to access the ee l timer unction
' ill appear on the displa . The timer allo s ou
to set a num er o ignitions and shutdo ns per da
ma imum o three , or each da o the ee . As ou con rm
via the
utton, one o the ollo ing options ill appear
- o rog. no program is set
- rogram/dail
a single program is set or ever da
- rogram/ ee l
a program is set or each da o the ee
ove rom one to the other using the + and
se the
utton to con rm the Dail program'option
and access the selection o the num er o programs ignition/
shutdo n to e set per da . se the
set the identical program/s or ever da o the ee .
The ollo ing ill e displa ed i the + e is pressed
- o rog.
- rog. o. 1 one ignition and one shutdo n per da , rog.
o. 2 same as e ore , rog. o. 3 same as e ore
se the utton to sho them in reverse order.
gram is selected, the ignition time is sho n.
The displa sho s 1 gnition Hour 10.30 use the +/
change the hour and press
The displa sho s 1 gnition
to change the minutes and press
n the same a , ad ust the shutdo n times.
The program is con rmed
" aved appears on the displa .
hen con rming
rogram/ ee ', ou ill need to choose the
da to hich the program is to appl
on 2 Tues 3
ed 4 Thurs 5 ri 6 at 7 un
nce ou have chosen the da
the + and
e s, con rm
ith the settings o the programs in the same a as or the
rogram/dail ', selecting hether or not to ena le a program
or each da o the ee and choosing the num er and times
o interventions. hould ou ma e a mista e hilst setting
the programs ou can e it ithout saving
e and
aved' ill appear on the displa . hould the hopper
run out o pellets, the stove ill loc and
is displa ed
and the ollo ing data
ave ' appears on the
to save the in ormation
up to a
e s.
rogram/dail ' option to
the 1st pro-
e s to
to con rm.
inutes 10.30 use the +/
to con rm.
pressing the
utton hen
scrolling through them ith
and proceed
pressing the 0/1
top/ lame' ill
Pellet reserve warning
or 2
The oiler- replace is equipped ith an electronic pellet detec-
tion s stem.
The pellet detection s stem is integrated into the electronic
control oard, allo ing the stove to monitor ho man
pellets are le t.
This veri cation is implemented at an point hilst the stove is
in operation mode.
or correct s stem operation, it is important that the ollo ing
procedure is adhered ith during the rst ignition that must
e implemented
the DEA E . e ore starting to use the
pellet detection s stem, ou must load and consume a ull sac
o pellets.
e s
This allo s or a rie running-in o the loading s stem.
u sequentl load 15 g o pellets.
Then press the reserve' utton once, there
into the memor that 15 g have een loaded.
rom no on the displa
the decrease in g 15 14...13 . Each time pellets are reloa-
ded ou must
enter the quantit . E.g. hen loading 15 g, simpl press the
pellet load' utton to enter this into the memor .
or other quantities, or in the event o an error, ou can speci
the quantit using the pellet reserve menu as ollo s
ress the
utton or 2 seconds to vie the ETT
ress + or consecutivel to vie T.
Con rm
pellets ill e displa ed + that eing loaded de ault is 15 and
can e changed using the +/- e s .
hould the hopper run out o pellets, the oiler- replace ill
loc and
top/ lame' ill appear.
Variation feeding pellets (ONLY AFTER SUGGESTED
ress and hold the "
conds. croll through the displa instructions using the "+
and "
e s, to the description "AD - E
rming this unction using the menu e
suppl o pellets,
reducing the set value, ou decrease the suppl o pellets,
increasing the set value increases the suppl o pellets. This
unction can e use ul in the event that one changes the t pe
o pellets used, no longer using those or hich the oiler-
replace as cali rated, thus necessitating an ad ustment o the
load setting.
e s
authorised Dealer, to establish the new operating axis.
ame depend on the t pe o pellets used, as ell as on normal
variation o solid uel ames and on the periodic cleaning o
the cruci le the oiler- replace automaticall carries out
ote This does
the user prior to start up .
- 35
storing the data
ill sho the remaining pellets as
a e it.
and the remaining quantit o
e on the remote control or t o se-
ET .
ou can ad ust the
An changes in the state o the
T replace the necessit cold vacuuming
ilos o