set a parameter t in minutes, t is the minimum time that must elapse
before the device turn off the fan cooling system. This guarantees
a minimum time of activation for fan cooling system independently
from the value of L.
F=3: Independent programming for each channel of all levels P, A,
L, H.
With F=3 the device asks in sequence the following parameters:
Time t in minute, t is the minimum time that must elaps before the
device turn off the fan cooling system. This guarantees a minimum
time of activation for fan cooling system independently from the
value of L.
For each channel appears the word CH(n) with n (1-8), by means of
the buttons UP and DOWN you choose if a channel is active or not,
in affirmative case, it is asked to put the P and A parameters.
Afterwards the word FnA appears, with the buttons UP and DOWN
you choose if fan cooling system is active or not for that channel, in
affirmative case, it is asked to put the L and H parameters, in case
the channel is not active or fan cooling system is deactivated for that
channel the device asks the choice for the next channel, using the
same procedure for FnA, on set the second fan, in case of exclusion
will be proposed the set-up of next channel, after that, confirm all
proposed parameter (not relevant in this configuration) to finish the
program procedure.
Default configurations: F=0, P=140, A=160, L=90, H=100, t=0.
Anyway the necessary time for programming is checked.
Over 1 minute from beginning of the programming phase, the same
is interrupted and not saved so the previous set limits remain active.
At the end of programming the new data will be saved in memory,