I Remarks for execution of integrals
' If you press EB during execution of integral (nothing is displayed). the execution
will be aborted and the state selected by the depression of
ED entered.
'}f no function fix) is defined (written in). the calculator will carry out integral for
(x) = x.
' It is normal to set the angular mode to "RAD" when executing integral of trigono-
' Integral approximated by the Simpson's rule may take much execution time to
raise the accuracy of result. Error may be large even when much execution time
has been consumed. If the number of significant digits of result is smaller than one,
error termination occurs ("E" displayed).
In such cases. dividing the integral interval will reduce execution time and raise
'I. If the result varies greatly when the integral interval is moved slightly;
Divide the interval into sections and sum up the results obtained in the sections.
For a periodic function or if the value of integral becomes positive or negative
depending on the interval:
Calculate for each period or separately for the sections where the result of inte-
gral is positive from where the result is negative, and sum up the results obtained.
3. If long execution time is due to the form of the function defined:
Divide the function. if possible, into terms, execute integral for each term sepa-
rately, and sum up the results.
I Basic features
0 Basic operations: 4 basic calculations. constants for +/—/x/+/x'/x". and parenthesis
0 Built-in functions: trigonometric/inverse trigonometric functions (with angle in
degrees, radians or
logarithmic] exponential functions, reciprocals,
factorials. square roots, powers, roots. decimal 9 sexagesimal conversion, conversion
of coordinate system (R-oP, P-oR). random number, 1r, and percentages.
0 Statistical functions: standard deviation, linear regression, logarithmic regression.
exponential regression, and power regression.
0 Integrals: Simpson's rule.
0 Memory: 1 independent memory and 6 constant memories.
0 Capacity:
Input range
Output accuracy
Entry/basic functions:
10 digit mantissa. or 10 digit mantissa plus
2 digit exponent up to 10'".
Fraction calculations:
Max. 3 digit mantissa for each integer, numerator or
denominator and at the same time max. 8 digit mantissa
for the sum of each part.
Scientific functions:
le < 1440° l8n rad, 1600 gm)
:1 in the 10th digit