Check that the configuration parameters of the analyzer (IP address, Subnet mask and gateway address)
are what correspond to the installation.
11.4. Start-up of the communications
Once proper connection of the communication cables is assured between the different devices, proceed to check
their connectivity. For this, use the "ping" tool available in Windows Operating Systems.
In Windows Vista, 7 and later versions you can execute the command window by writing "cmd.exe" in the
"Execute" field in the start panel.
Once the command window is opened in Windows, you can perform the "ping" operation with each device, writing
"ping x.x.x.x", where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the device with which you are testing connectivity.
If the CPU has reached the installation without being previously configured, for whatever reason, you
must proceed to configure it as explained in the corresponding annexe.
Check the connectivity of the following devices with the connection of a braided cable between the test computer
and the units side jack:
Power analyzer
WiFi Adapter
ABP2011IQM01_ - Installation and Operation Manual