120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacles
The duplex receptacleis protected against overload by a
push-to-reset circuit breaker and/or a 2 pole GFCIcircuit
Use each receptacleto operate 120 Volt AC, single-phase,
60 Hz electrical loads requiring up to 2,400 watts (2.4 kW) at
20 Amps of current. Use cord sets that are rated for 125 Volt
AC loads at 20 Amps (or greater). Inspect cord sets before
each use.
12 Volt DC, 10 Amp Receptacle
This receptacleallows you to recharge a 12 Volt automotive
or utility style storage battery with the battery charge cables
This receptaclecan not recharge 6 Volt batteries and can not
be used to crank an engine having a discharged battery. See
the section Charginga Battery before attempting to recharge
a battery.
Ground Fault Protection
This unit is equipped with a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
(GFCI). This device meets applicable federal, state and local
The GFCIprotects against electrical shock that may be
caused if your body becomes a path which electricity travels
to reach ground. This could happen if you touch a "Live"
appliance or wire, or are touching plumbing or other
materials that connect to the ground.
When protected by a GFCI,one may still feel a shock, but the
GFCIshould cut current off quickly enough so that a person in
normal health should not suffer any serious electrical injury.
_i, WARNING Generatorproduces hazardous
• TheGFCI w ill not protectyou against t hefollowingsituations:
-Line-to-line shocks;
-Currentoverloads or line-to-lineshortcircuits.
• Thefuseor circuit breaker a t thecontrol panelmustprovide
such protection.
Test GFCICircuit Breaker
Test your GFCIcircuit breaker every month, as follows:
1. While generator is running, push white "Test" button.
The circuit breaker should trip (handle will move to
approximate center position), which will disconnect
power to outlets.
If circuit breaker does not trip:
• DO NOTuse generator.
• Call a Briggs & Stratton Power Products servicecenter.
2. If handle moves to center, reset circuit breaker by
firmly moving handle to "Off" (down) position, then to
"On" (up) position.
If circuit breaker does not reset properly:
• DO NOTuse generator.
• Call a Briggs & Stratton Power Products servicecenter.