Independent Delay Time
You can set independent Delay times for extension and flexion. If an
extension and or flexion delay time is required, simply hold down the
Delay button and the Extension or Flexion button and use the Up or
Down Arrows to adjust the time.
Selectable Scrolling
The scrolling feature is disabled at the factory. Should you desire
to enable this feature, simply press and hold the Delay and Mode
buttons. The display will scroll patient data for two cycles then return
to displaying Current Carriage Angle.
Patient Lock-Out
The Patient Lock-Out feature prevents the patient from changing any
parameter except Comfort Zone ™ and Start/Stop (Emergency Stop).
To enable the Patient Lock-Out feature: Press and hold the Up Arrow
and the Mode button for three seconds. A single short beep will
confirm that the feature has been activated.
Repeating the above sequence will deactivate the feature. A single
short beep will confirm that the feature has been deactivated.
Language Selection
To select display language, press and hold the Mode and Extension
buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds. Use and arrows to select desired
language and then press Mode to accept.
OptiFlex® 3 Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Therapy Unit
Force Reversal
Force Reversal is a programmed setting that will automatically reverse
the direction of the leg orthosis if the device detects a greater amount
of resistance than what is programmed. Force Reversal allows you to
set the amount of force required to passively move the joint without
causing unnecessary pain or damage to the surgery.
The Force Reversal feature has 10 sensitivity settings, with a minimum
setting of 1.
NOTE: The maximum setting of 10 is the factory default and functions
as carriage obstruction.
To change the Force Reversal sensitivity setting, press and hold the
Speed and Extension/Flexion Delay buttons simultaneously and use
the down arrow to decrease the sensitivity setting.