5-A Booster Use
Vehicle Lap/Shoulder
Seat Belt
Vehicle Seat Lap/
Shoulder Belt
Booster Use With Back:
40-100 lb (18.1-45 kg) 43-57 in.
(110.1-145 cm) at least 4 years old
Booster Use Without Back: 40-120 lb
(18.1-54 kg) 43-57 in. (110.1-145 cm)
at least 4 years old
• Place car seat forward-facing in the vehicle
back seat.
• Make sure vehicle seat's lap belt is adjusted
snugly and lays low on the child's hip and is
routed behind the armrest in the booster's
belt path marked with green label.
• Vehicle belts MUST lie flat against child and
MUST NOT be twisted.
• Vehicle seat's shoulder belt is adjusted
snugly and should lie between child's neck
and edge of shoulder.