Controlling the PTZ Camera with your DVR
A PTZ cruise (referred to on some DVR's as a tour or scan), allows you to con-
figure a sequence of presets that the camera will automatically cycle through.
This is useful if you want the camera to monitor a large area, without manually
having to control the camera.
These features may not be available on all DVRs. Check your DVR instruction manual for
Preset Controls on ECO Series DVRs
1. Total: Total number of presets.
2. No.: Shows the number of the currently selected preset. Enter the desired
preset number to select or configure a different preset.
3. Time: When cruise mode is activated, the time field determines how long
the camera will hold at the preset position before moving to the next pre-
set. When creating presets, enter the number of seconds the camera will
stay at the preset.
4. Save: Click to save all changes made to presets.
5. Clear: Click to delete the currently selected preset.
6. Go to: Click to go to the currently selected preset.
7. Set: Click to save the current camera position as a preset.
6.4.1 Setting PTZ Presets on the ECO Series DVR
1. Using the direction keys, zoom, focus, and iris settings, move the camera
into position.
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