Picture not clear or noises appear./
L'image n'est pas claire ou des parasites
L'immagine non è nitida o appaiono delle
No picture obtained./
Aucune image obtenu./
L'immagine non appare.
Poor color or tint./
Mauvaise couleur ou teinte./
Cattivi colori o cattive sfumature.
Dots or stripes appear on picture./
Des points ou des rayures apparaissent sur
Punti o strisce appaiono nell'immagine.
Double or triple pictures or rolling picture
Des images doubles ou triples ou une image
roulante apparaissent./
Doppie o triple immagini o un'immagine che
gira appare sullo schermo.
Cause and Solution
In Case of Difficulty
Poor signal strength.
Out of service area of station being re-
– Check by moving car in other location.
Fluorescent tube is exhausted.
– Replace the fluorescent tube. *
BRIGHT control is in fully dark position
– Adjust BRIGHT control.
Mode switch is not set to a desired mode.
– Select desired mode by pressing TV/
NAV./VIDEO button.
Temperature inside car is high.
– Lower the temperature.
Poor connections between monitor and
– Check connections.
Adjustments of TINT, COLOR, or BRIGHT
are upset.
– Adjust each mode again.
Affected from neon sign, high voltage line,
amateur radio transmission, cars, etc.
– Move car to a location free from interfer-
Signals are reflected by mountain or
buildings near car.
– Move car to other locations. Adjust
location, direction and height of antenna.