Installation Advice - ROBLIN Lido/2 Centrale Instrucciones De Instalación E Utilización

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  • ES

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 24
hank ou or u ing a o lin roduct which has een manu actured to the highest ualit standards to
meet our re uirements
e recommend ou care ull read this ooklet in which ou will find instructions or installation, hints or
use and maintenance
he nstructions or Use a
tions o individual eatures that do not a
his cooker hood is fitted with a -core mains ca le with a standard
Alternativel the hood can e connected to the mains su
minimum contact ga on each ole
e ore connecting to the mains su
the rating late inside the cooker hood


nsure the cooker hood is fitted in com liance with the recommended fi ing heights
o ensure the sa e o eration o this cooker hood, we recommend that the hood should not e fitted
cm or electric or
liance to the underside o the cooker hood
t is a ossi le fire risk i the hood is not sited as recommended
o ensure the est results, the cooking umes should e a le to rise naturall towards the inlet grilles
on the underside o the cooker hood and the cooker hood should e ositioned awa
windows, which will create tur ulence
the room where the hood is to e used contains a uel- urning a
oiler then its ue must e o the room sealed or alanced ue t
other t
es o
ue or a
nsure the kitchen is fitted with an air rick, which should have a cross-sectional measurement
e uivalent to the diameter o the ducting eing fitted, i not larger
he ducting s stem or this cooker hood must not e connected to an e isting ventilation s stem,
which is eing used or an other ur oses or to a mechanicall controlled ventilation ducting
he ducting used must e made rom fire retardant materials and the correct diameter must e used,
as incorrect sized ducting will a ect the er ormance o this cooker hood
hen the cooker hood is used in con unction with other a
electricit , the negative ressure in the room must not e ceed
com ustion eing drawn ack into the room
he a
liance is or domestic use onl and should not e o erated
infirm without su ervision
his a
liance must e ositioned so that the wall socket is accessi le
his a
liance is not intended or use
or mental ca a ilities, or lack o e
instruction concerning use o the a
hildren should e su ervised to ensure that the do not la with the a
ermanent electrical installation must com l with the latest regulations concerning this t
installation and a ualified electrician must carr out the work
accidents or in ur and would deem the manu acturers guarantee null and void
IMPORTANT - he wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the ollowing code
- green
ellow earth
As the colours o the wires in the mains lead o this a
l to several versions o this a
l to our s ecific a
l ensure that the mains voltage corres onds to the voltage on
, single hase
cm or gas the measurements taken rom the sur ace o the cooking
liances are fitted ensure that there is an ade uate su
ersons including children with reduced h sical, sensor
erience and knowledge, unless the have een given su ervision or
a erson res onsi le or their sa et
- lue neutral
liance Accordingl , ou ma find descri -
A earthed lug
l via a dou le- ole switch having mm
liance such as a central heating
liances su
lied with energ other than
m ar to revent the umes rom
children or eo le who are
on-com liance could cause serious
- rown live
liance ma not corres ond with the coloured
rom doors and
l o resh air to the
e o


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