1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the cluster bezel to instrument panel screw
(1), if equipped.
3. Using Trim Stick C4755, gently pry between the in
strument cluster bezel (2) and the instrument panel to
release the snap retainers that secure the bezel.
4. Disconnect the harness connectors (2 & 3) from the
rear of the Integrated Center Stack (ICS) screen mod
ule (1) to allow better access to the 40 way connector.
CAUTION: Push the 40 way connector in before push
ing on the locking clip. Failure to follow these instruc
tions will damage or break the connector locking clip.
NOTE: In the event that the locking tab breaks or is
broken, do not replace the harness. The connector
will still lock and the harness will still function as de
CAUTION: Never pull the connector out by the wires.
Failure to follow these instructions will damage or
break the wires and/or connector.
5. Push in on the 40 way connector (1).
Jan 02, 2012