Zeroing the catheter
Immerse the sensor (metal part) in the liquid completely.
Be careful not to touch the cup with the sensor.
When the sensor is ready, press the zeroing key.
uRing zeRoing keep the sensoR immeRsed and avoid moving it in the cup
void making any contact with the end of the catheteR duRing sensoR zeRoing
alibRation in Relation to atmospheRic pRessuRe could be falsified
nsuRe the end of the catheteR is immeRsed in the steRile wateR oR a steRile saline solution
. s
duRing zeRoing
ensoR zeRoing in conditions otheR than those Recommended may cause
inaccuRate pRessuRe Readings
Movement of a task progress bar makes it possible to follow the correct performance
of the zeroing.
The procedure takes about 3 seconds.
Verification that the zeroing procedure took place correctly
When the progress bar reaches the end, the message "ZERO SENSOR OK – INSERT
SENSOR" shows that the procedure has taken place correctly.
Check that the Pressio® monitor screen displays the value "0 mmHg" (or the patient
monitor screen if the Pressio® interface is used).
If during zeroing, the sensor suffers parasite pressure variations or is damaged,
the screen will display the message "ZERO SENSOR FAILURE – REPLACE SENSOR".
In this case, disconnect and then reconnect the catheter, and try the zeroing sequence again.
If this fails again, change the catheter.
Also refer to the instructions for use for the Pressio® monitoring system used
(PSO-3000 or PSO-IN00, § " Anomaly in operation: symptoms / suggested measures").
ensoR zeRoing can only be done once
the message
Storing data in the catheter connector memory (cf. §3) makes it possible to use
Pressio® monitors or interfaces (PSO-3000 models software V2, PSO-3000 software
V1 and PSO-IN00) other than the model on which the zeroing was performed.
Specific case for the PSO-PTT:
hen the tempeRatuRe Read by the sensoR is loweR than
outside the display Ranges foR the
Implantation Technique
Implantation of the Pressio® catheter must take account of current aseptic
neurosurgical practices.
Use the insertion accessories supplied by Sophysa in the Pressio® monitoring kit.
The surgeon will choose the technique depending upon his experience and the clinical
status of the patient.
The final implantation of the device must satisfy the conditions for optimal
positioning of the sensor in the parenchyma.
o not peRfoRm the implantation of a monitoRing catheteR without having a Replacement
kit available in case it is RequiRed
Choice of implantation area
Indication for implantation area : the standard right and left prefrontal areas are
the main implantation areas. This region allows the patient to turn his/her head
while remaining in the decubitus position without interfering with the intracranial
pressure monitoring function. Additionally, in most cases, the incision is made behind
the hairline, which is acceptable from an esthetic point of view.
It is recommended that the catheter be tunneled under the scalp to improve
its fixation and reduce the risks of infection.
The site where the catheter emerges is generally found 5cm from the burr hole
in a posterior position.
Intracranial access
Once the implantation site has been chosen, the area is shaved and prepared
aseptically. A local anesthetic is applied in the incision area. This is generally 2 to
3 centimeters in front of the coronal suture on the mid-pupillary line.
An incision of about one centimeter is made down to the bone.
Make sure the bony plate is well exposed and perform hemostasis on the wound edges.
The adjustable stop on the drill bit supplied in the kit may be positioned as required
by loosening the locking screw with the Allen wrench.
Position the adjustable stop depending upon the drilling depth chosen and retighten
the locking screw to maintain this position.
. i
f a new attempt to zeRo the same sensoR is made
, "sensoR alReady zeRoed"
: "- - -". t
his means that the measuRement is in the sensoR measuRement Range but
is displayed