1. Follow all safety precautions prior to tube replacement.
2. Prior to service, pump water or a compatible buffer solution through the pump and
suction and discharge lines to remove chemical and avoid contact.
1. Place the pump in manual mode of operation and set display to 100%. Illustration A
p24 Turn the pump off and disconnect the power cord.
2. Depressurize and disconnect the suction and discharge lines.
3. Open the back and front of the latches on both sides of the head. Illustration B p24
Carefully fold latches back to prevent contact with the cover.
For CE pump only: Remove the safety screw on cover.
4. Remove the tube housing cover and flip to use as a tool in the next step.
Illustration C & D p24
5. Align the center of the inverted cover with the center of the roller assembly so that the
three holes on the face of the cover align with the three knurled lugs on the roller
assembly. Position the cover feet near the tube fittings. Illustration E p24
NOTE: The roller assembly needs to be collapsed to remove the tube.
6. Hold the pump securely, use the tube housing cover as a wrench and quickly (snap)
rotate the cover counter-clockwise to collapse the roller assembly. The tube will no longer
be pressed against the tube housing wall. Illustration F p24
NOTE: Counter-clockwise is viewed from facing the head of the pump.
7. Remove and discard the pump tube. Illustration G p24
8. Remove the roller assembly and housing.
9. Use a non-citrus all-purpose cleaner to clean chemical residue from the tube housing,
roller assembly and cover.
10. Check the housing, cover and roller assembly for cracks and replace if cracked.
11. Ensure the rollers turn freely. Illustration H p24 Replace the roller assembly if the
rollers are seized or worn or if there is a reduction or lack of output from the pump.
12. Reinstall clean tube housing.
13. Apply AquaShield
14. Install the roller assembly.
to the shaft tip.
US and Canada 800.683.2378, International 904.641.1666