The KetoSens test strip should be used only with fresh capillary
whole blood samples drawn from the fingertip.
Do not reuse test strips.
Do not use test strips past the expiration date.
Test strips in new, unopened foil packet can be used up until the
expiration date printed on the foil packet if the test strips are
used and stored according to its storage and handling methods.
Store foil packet in a cool and dry place between 39–86˚F and
20–80% Relative Humidity.
Keep the foil packet of test strips away from direct sunlight or
Store unused test strips in their original foil packet to avoid
damage or contamination.
Open the foil packet to take out a test strip for testing and use
the test strip immediately. Do not use the test strip if the foil is
damaged or torn.
Handle test strips only with clean and dry hands.
Do not bend, cut, or alter test strips in any way.
For detailed storage and usage information, refer to the
KetoSens test strip package insert.
Keep the meter and testing supplies away from young children.
The test strips and foil packet may cause choking hazards.
You can get more safety information at FDA Public
Health Notification (http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/
Safety/AlertsandNotices/ucm224025.htm) or at CDC Clinical
Reminder (http://www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/Fingerstick-
12 www.i-sens.com
KetoSens Blood β-Ketone Meter
Data Port
Used to transfer data
from the meter to a
computer with
a cable
Turns the meter
on, selects
or changes
Test Strip Port
Insert test strip
• The unit of measurement is fixed and it cannot be changed by
the user.
• The cable for data management software can be ordered
separately. Please contact Customer Service: 1-800-429-5001
(9 am–9 pm EST, Monday–Saturday).
Shows results,
S Button
Turns the
meter on/off,
confirms menu
and changes
Test Strip Ejector
Slide down to
discard the used
www.i-sens.com 13