8.4. Go back to "Security settings" page and select "Visitor password". Input a
password then tap "Save" to confirm the visitor password setting.
IX. Share Your Robot Camera with Family Members
9.1. Make sure your family members download the "Yoosee" APP from their App
store or Google play. (See 3.2)
9.2. They need to sign up for a "Yoosee" account using their own phone number or
email address and follow 4.1 to add the camera.
9.3. If you set a visitor password, you need to tell them about the visitor password.
Otherwise, they cannot access the camera on the APP. Visitors have no access to
system settings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What media player software should I use to play back the video files on my
PC computer?
A1: You could use the robot's PC client software or GPlayer to play back the video
files on your PC computer. Here is the download link:
Q2: How do I reset my camera back to the way I got it?
A2: Reset the camera to factory default. (See VI)
Q3: How many visitors are supported to check live video?