5. Fan Assembly. (cont.)
Thread safety cable and wires through hanging
ball; then slide hanging ball over downrod--the top
of the downrod should be noted as having a set
screw hole; use this hole when setting the set
screw. Insert stop pin into top of downrod and raise
hanging ball. Be sure stop pin aligns with slots on
the inside of the hanging ball. Tighten set screw
securely. [Refer to diagram 4.] Lower yoke cover to
motor housing.
WARNING: Failure to tighten set screw on hanging
ball completely could result in the fan becoming
loose and possibly falling.
With the hanging bracket secured to the outlet
box and able to support the fan, you are now
ready to hang your fan. Grab the fan firmly with
two hands. Slide downrod through opening in
hanging bracket and let hanging ball rest on the
hanging bracket. Turn the hanging ball slot until it
lines up with the hanging bracket tab.
WARNING: Failure to align slot in hanging ball
with tab in hanging bracket may result in serious
injury or death.
Tip: Seek the help of another person to hold the
stepladder in place and to lift the fan up to you
once you are set on the ladder.
Find a secure attachment point (wood ceiling joist
highly recommended) and secure safety cable. It
will be necessary to use a heavy duty wood screw,
washer and lock washer (not supplied) with the
safety cable loop. If necessary, adjust the loop
at the end of the safety cable. The loop at the end
of the safety cable should just fit over the threads
on the wood screw. Test safety cable by pulling on
loose end with pliers. If the safety cable slips, the loop
must be adjusted tighter. Extra cable slack can be
left in ceiling area.
page 5
safety cable loop
wood screw
and washer
safety cable
hanging bracket tab
hanging ball slot
motor housing