65.5 mm
0.5 mm
3.2 mm
0.5 - 1 mm
– 14 –
3. Adjusting the Lower knife
1) Set lower knfe 4 and lower knfe holder 5 wth
setscrews 6 at the poston of the llustraton.
4. Engaging the knives and adjusting the
clamp spring
1) Loosen screws 7 and 8 , and adjust the pos-
ton of upper knfe !0 so that the engagement of
the upper knfe !0 wth the lower knfe s 0.5 mm
when lower knfe 4 moves to the extreme rght.
2) At the same tme, adjust so that the dstance from
the top end of clamp sprng !1 to that of lower
knfe 4 s 3.2 mm.
3) After the adjustment, tghten screws 7 .
5. Adjusting the position of clamp pressure
adjusting spring
1) Loosen screws 9 and adjust the poston of
clamp pressure adjustng sprng !2 so that the
dstance from the top end of clamp pressure ad-
justng sprng !2 to secton A of upper knfe !0 s
0.5 to 1 mm.
2) After the adjustment, tghten screws 9 .
6. Adjusting the pressure of clamp spring
1) Looper thread s held by clamp sprng !1 after
thread trmmng.
2) Holdng pressure of the looper thread can be ad-
justed by turnng screw 8 .
3) When screw 8 s turned clockwse, the holdng
pressure s ncreased and turned counterclock-
wse, the pressure s decreased.
4) Make the holdng pressure as low as possble
wthn the range of holdng the looper thread.