Carry out the following operations to protect the mower each time it
is to be stored for a period of more than 30 days.
Do not drain the fuel tank while the muffler is hot.
1. Drain the fuel tank and the carburettor into a suitable
receptacle [1]:
a. Open the fuel cock [2].
b. Place the throttle lever lever [3] in "FAST" position [A]
c. Unscrew the carburettor
float bowl retaining
bolt [4] (1/4 to 1/2 turn
d. Lift up the carburettor
float bowl against the
body of the carburettor [5]
allowing the fuel to drain.
e. Refit the drain plug and
close the fuel shut-off
valve [2].
2. Change the engine oil
(see page
3. Pull the starter slowly until a resistance is felt. This closes the
valves and protects them from dust and corrosion.
4. Coat all surfaces liable to rust with a thin film of oil. Cover the
mower and store it on a flat surface in a dry, dust free place. Do
not use a plastic cover since this retains dampness.
NOTE: If the mower is to be stored for a period of more than 3
months, remove the spark plug and pour 5 to 10 cc of clean engine
oil into the cylinder; then pull the starter slowly two or three times to
spread the oil. Do not leave the mower lying on its side over long
periods. This may cause difficult starting and gear oil leaks.
14 EN
• Petrol will oxidize and deteriorate in storage.
Old petrol will cause hard starting, and it leaves gum deposits that
clog the fuel system. If the petrol in your engine deteriorates
during storage, you may need to have the carburetor and other
fuel system components serviced or replaced.
• Ensure that you use
containers or drums
specifically designed for
hydrocarbons [6]. This will
prevent polluting the fuel
through the dissolution of
the container walls, which
will lead to poor functioning
of the engine.
• Store the fuel in a dark
place, in a room at constant temperature (avoid garden sheds).
• The warranty does not cover a blocked carburetor or valves
jammed by old or polluted fuel.
• The quality of unleaded petrol alters very quickly (2 to 3 weeks in
some cases). Do not use fuel more than 1 month old. Store the
absolute minimum required for your monthly consumption.
1. Remove the spark plug [7],
check that it is clean and that the
electrode gap is correct. Pull the
starter several times.
2. We recommend that the spark plug be screwed down as far as
possible by hand until finger tight; then use a plug spanner to
tighten it by an extra 1/8 or 1/4 turn.
3. Check the level and condition of the engine oil [8].
4. Fill the fuel tank and start the engine.
NOTE: If the cylinder has been coated with oil, the engine will
smoke on start-up. This is normal.
0.7 - 0.8 mm