individual's physiological
make up can vary from day
to day. This device cannot
account for these
variations. You are
strongly advised to remain
well within the limits
provided by this device to
minimize the risk of DCS.
You should consult a
physician regarding your
fitness before diving.
Perform pre-dive safety
checks, such as checking
proper device function and
settings, display function,
battery level, tank
pressure, and bubble
Quick Start Manual
checks to check hoses for
Do not dive with a gas if
you have not personally
verified its contents and
input the analyzed value to
the device. Failure to verify
tank contents and input the
appropriate gas values to
the device will result in
incorrect dive planning
information and could
result in serious injury or
Diving with more than one
gas mixture presents a
much greater risk than
diving with a single gas
mixture. Mistakes related