Message display and delete functions are available for about 60 seconds, after this time the video door
phone turns off. To turn the video door phone off before 60 seconds are elapsed, press the button X.
inTercoM cALL AnD SPeciAL SerViceS AcTiVATion
It is possible to send calls to system switchboards, to other apartments of the same column or to other
apartment stations of the same apartment, or activate special services.
Press the button
In the upper side select the call type:
Internal call
External call
Special request
Call to switchboard
cALL To oTher STATionS of The SAMe APArTMenT
Press the button
If the user does not answer within the configured time-out, the monitor turns off.
cALL To oTher APArTMenTS
Press the button
user does not answer within the configured time-out, the monitor turns off.
SPeciAL SerViceS AcTiVATion
Press the button
the button OK. The service number is used to activate one or more system special decoder contacts as
configured by the installer in the system server.
Press the button
the button OK; this number is used to generate the call to one or more system switchboards, as configured
by the installer in the system server.
If the switchboard answers within 10s., the communication is directly established, otherwise the monitor
turns off and when the switchboard calls, it rings as usual.
Intercom calls and calls to switchboard are AUDIO only.
SeLecTion froM DirecTory
Codes can be manually entered, otherwise it is possible to access the directory by pressing the button
In this case, to send a call or activate a special decoder, select the user from those included in the directory
and press OK.
, the following screen will appear:
: call inside the same apartment
: call outside the apartment, but inside the same video door phone column.
: Request to a special decoder
: Call to the concierge switchboard
, enter the number of the station to be called (from 0 to 15) and confirm with the button
, enter the user code to be called (4 characters) and confirm with the button OK. If the
, enter the number of the special service to be called (from 1 to 249) and confirm with
, enter the number of switchboard service to be called (from 1 to 250) and confirm with