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Clostridium difficile
Toxin A/B
Remel Xpect
Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B test kit is a rapid in vitro
immunochromatographic test for the direct, qualitative detection of
Clostridium difficile Toxin A and/or B in human fecal specimens from
patients suspected of having Clostridium difficile-associated disease
(CDAD). The test is intended for use as an aid in diagnosis of CDAD.
The test can also be used for confirmation of toxigenic C. difficile from
Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth culture.
C. difficile was first described in 1935, but it was not until 1977 that
links were made between the organism and disease. C. difficile is a
toxin-producing, spore-forming anaerobic gram-positive bacillus. The
clinical presentation of C. difficile infection includes, in increasing
order of severity, asymptomatic carriers, antibiotic-associated colitis,
pseudomembranous colitis (PMC), and fulminant colitis.
of the normal microbial flora in the colon, usually caused by antibiotic
therapy, allows overgrowth of C. difficile. Symptoms of antibiotic-
associated colitis usually begin four to ten days after antibiotic
treatment has begun.
Most pathogenic strains of C. difficile produce two toxins, Toxin A
(enterotoxin) and Toxin B (cytotoxin), which are the main virulence
factors for the organism. There appears to be a cascade of events,
which result in the expression of the activity of these toxins. Toxin A
is mildly cytopathic but induces large fluid shifts and mucosal
Toxin B is intensely cytopathic but its role in the
disease process is not clearly understood. Variant strains which are
Toxin A-negative, Toxin B-positive are known to exist, are fully
pathogenic, and capable of producing the full spectrum of disease.
The prevalence of these variant strains varies widely by institution
and geographic location.
C. difficile-associated disease (CDAD) primarily occurs in hospitalized
Individuals with CDAD shed spores in the stool, which can
survive for as long as five months in the environment. Clinical and
pathological features of CDAD are not easily distinguished from those
of other gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcerative colitis, chronic
inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn's disease.
toxigenic C. difficile is a potentially life-threatening disease process;
however, when properly treated, patient mortality rates are low.
Thus, rapid diagnosis, allowing clinicians to initiate appropriate
therapy and implement adequate measures to control nosocomial
spread, is important.
The Xpect
Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B test is a qualitative
immunochromatographic assay that detects C. difficile Toxin A and
Toxin B in stool specimens or cultures of toxigenic C. difficile. In
performing the test, a specimen is first diluted with Specimen Diluent
to help solubilize the toxins. A portion of the diluted sample is then
mixed with a volume of Conjugate 1 containing antibodies to Toxin A
and Toxin B coupled to colored microparticles, plus a volume of
Conjugate 2 containing biotinylated antibodies to Toxin A and Toxin
B. A volume of this mixture is transferred to a test device having
immobilized streptavidin as a test line and goat anti-immunoglobulin
antibody as a control line. Immunocomplexes of toxin and conjugated
antibodies form a visible band as they flow across the test line.
Excess colored particle conjugates form a visible band at the control
line to document that the test is functioning properly.
Store test devices in sealed foil pouches at 2-30C (room temperature or
refrigerated). Store all kit reagent bottles and vials at 2-8C. Do not
freeze or overheat. Allow components to equilibrate to room
temperature before use. Mix bottled reagents gently prior to use.
Return the unused reagents to the refrigerator after use.
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
Standard precautions should be taken against the dangers of
biological hazards by properly sterilizing specimens, containers,
and test devices after use. Consult appropriate references when
Directions should be read and followed carefully.
Reagents are provided at the necessary working strength and
are to be dispensed directly from the dropper bottles. Do not
dilute reagents.
Do not interchange reagents between kits of different lots.
Do not use reagents beyond the printed expiration dates.
Microbial contamination of reagents may decrease the accuracy
of the assay.
Specimens should be collected in clean, airtight, leak-proof containers.
Fresh, untreated stool specimens should be stored at 2-8°C and
tested within 72 hours of collection. If fresh specimens cannot
be tested within 72 hours, they should be frozen at -20°C or
below in a non-defrosting freezer and tested within 2 months of
collection. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
A reduction
Fresh specimens diluted in the Sample Diluent provided in the
kit can be stored refrigerated for up to 24 hours prior to testing.
Stool specimens collected in modified Cary Blair Transport
Medium with indicator (or equivalent) may be stored refrigerated
(2-8C) or stored at room temperature (20-25C) and should be
tested within 5 days of collection.
Stool specimens that have been concentrated or collected in
Formalin, SAF, or PVA are not suitable for use with this test.
Test Devices (20 / 40): Each foil pouch contains one single-use
test device with desiccant; membrane is striped with capture
Conjugate 1 (3.6 ml x 1) / (3.6 ml x 2): Blue-black microparticles
coated with mouse anti-Toxin A and rabbit anti-Toxin B with
0.05% ProClin
Conjugate 2 (3.0 ml x 1) / (3.0 ml x 2): Biotinylated goat anti-
Toxin A and rabbit anti-Toxin B with 0.03% ProClin
<0.1% sodium azide
Specimen Diluent (12.0 ml x 1) / (12.0 ml x 2): Buffered
Infection with
solution with 0.05% ProClin
Positive Control (2.0 ml x 1) / (2.0 ml x 2): Culture supernatant
containing C. difficile Toxin A and B with 0.05% ProClin
Negative Control (2.0 ml x 1) / (2.0 ml x 2): Buffered solution
with 0.05% ProClin
Disposable Transfer Pipettes (40 / 80): Pipettes with marked
graduations at 0.1 ml increments
Dilution Tubes (40 / 80): Tubes for specimen preparation with
marked 0.5 ml volume
Wooden Applicator Sticks (20 / 40)
10. Instructions For Use (IFU)
(1) Stool specimen collection container(s), and (2) Timer.
Optional materials not provided:
(1) Specimen transport media, (2) BHI Broth, and (3) Test tube rack.
Allow kit components and stool specimens to equilibrate to room
temperature before use.
Mix stool specimens thoroughly prior to testing (regardless of
Remove the test device from the foil pouch when ready to
perform the test and place it on a flat surface.
Label the device (and dilution tubes) with patient or control
300 and <0.1% sodium azide
300 and <0.1% sodium azide
and <0.1% sodium azide
20 / 40 Tests
300 and


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para remel Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B

  • Página 1 Reagents are provided at the necessary working strength and are to be dispensed directly from the dropper bottles. Do not INTENDED USE ® Remel Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B test kit is a rapid in vitro dilute reagents. immunochromatographic test for the direct, qualitative detection of Do not interchange reagents between kits of different lots.
  • Página 2: Quality Control

    ENGLISH Sample Preparation Invalid Result: An invalid result occurs when the TEST line is partial or incomplete, Fresh (unpreserved) Stool Specimens: Add Specimen Diluent up to the line marked on the dilution tube or the control (CTRL) line is absent or incomplete at 20 minutes. (0.5 ml).
  • Página 3: Performance Characteristics

    ENGLISH Proper specimen collection and processing are essential to Performance of Devices Compared to CTA: achieve optimal performance of the test. See Specimen n = 815 n = 267 Collection, Storage and Transport section. ® ® Xpect Xpect Predicate The performance characteristics of this test have not been fully C.
  • Página 4 IFU 24650, Revised April 10, 2012 Printed in U.S.A. REF R24640, Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B ..40 Tests/Kit 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215, USA General Information: (800) 255-6730 Website: Email: Local/International Phone: (913) 888-0939 International Fax: (913) 895-4128...
  • Página 5 Verwendung auf Raumtemperatur erwärmen lassen. Vor jeder ® Das Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B testkit von Remel ist ein Verwendung vorsichtig schütteln. Die unbenutzten Reagenzien nach schneller in-vitro immunchromatografischer Test für den direkten, der Verwendung wieder in den Kühlschrank stellen.
  • Página 6 GERMAN BENÖTIGTE MATERIALIEN (NICHT IM LIEFERUMFANG ENTHALTEN) Negatives Ergebnis (Toxin A und/oder B nicht festgestellt): (1) Stuhlproben-Sammelbehälter und (2) Labortimer. Ein negativer Test ist durch eine schwarze Linie im Kontrollbereich (CTRL) gekennzeichnet. Ein negativer Test weist darauf hin, dass C. Optionale, nicht mitgelieferte Materialien: difficile Toxin A und/oder B in der Probe nicht vorhanden ist oder (1) Probentransportmedien, (2) BHI-Bouillon und (3) Teströhrchen-Halter.
  • Página 7 GERMAN Toxin A/B-positiv waren, waren mit der toxigenen Kultur und dem EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN Ein positiver Test bestimmt nicht definitiv das Vorliegen einer Enzym-Immunoassay positiv. Zehn der 21 Proben (47,6%), die bei ® Krankheit. Der Test weist das Vorhandensein von Toxin A den anfänglichen Tests CTA-positiv und Xpect Clostridium difficile und/oder Toxin B in Stuhlproben nach.
  • Página 8 Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 5th ed. Churchill IFU 24650, Revidierte Fassung vom 2012-04-10 Gedruckt in den USA. Livingstone, New York, NY. 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215, USA Allgemeine Auskünfte: (800) 255-6730 Website: E-Mail: Telefon lokal/international: (913) 888-0939 Fax international: (913) 895-4128...
  • Página 9 APPLICATION ® Le test Xpect Toxine A/B de Clostridium difficile de Remel est un PRÉCAUTIONS test immunochromatographique in vitro rapide pour la détection Pour utilisation diagnostique in vitro . qualitative directe de la toxine A et/ou B du Clostridium difficile dans Toutes les précautions contre les risques microbiologiques...
  • Página 10 FRENCH MATÉRIELS REQUIS MAIS NON FOURNIS INTERPRÉTATION DU TEST (1) Pot(s) pour prélèvement des échantillons de selles et (2) Minuteur. Résultat positif (Toxine A et/ou B présente): Un test positif est indiqué par deux lignes noires, quelle que soit leur Accessoires facultatifs non fournis: intensité, une dans la zone TEST et l’autre dans la zone de contrôle (1) Milieux de transport d’échantillons, (2) Bouillon cervelle-cœur et...
  • Página 11 FRENCH CONTRÔLE QUALITÉ CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE PERFORMANCES Interne: Un contrôle de la procédure est inclus dans le test. Exactitude clinique: ® L’apparition d’une ligne de contrôle à l’emplacement CTRL permet de Les performances du test Xpect Toxine A/B de Clostridium difficile vérifier quele conjugué...
  • Página 12: Légende Des Symboles

    IFU 24650, révisé le 2012-04-10 Impriné aux États-Unis Petit. 2002. J. Clin. Microbiol. 40:2079-2083. 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215, États-Unis Renseignements: (800) 255-6730 Site Web: E-mail: Téléphone (international): +1 (913) 888-0939 Télécopie (international): +1 (913) 895-4128...
  • Página 13: Descrizione Del Prodotto

    USO PREVISTO PRECAUZIONI ® Il kit di test Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B Remel è un test Per uso diagnostico In Vitro . rapido immunocromatografico in vitro per il rilevamento diretto Si raccomanda di prendere le normali precauzioni contro eventuali qualitativo della tossina A e/o B del Clostridium difficile in campioni rischi biologici sterilizzando opportunamente dopo l’uso campioni,...
  • Página 14: Materiale Necessario Ma Non Fornito

    ITALIAN MATERIALE NECESSARIO MA NON FORNITO (1) Contenitori per la raccolta dei campioni fecali e (2) timer. Materiali opzionali non forniti: (1) Terreni di trasporto per campioni, (2) brodo BHI e (3) rack per provette di test. PROCEDIMENTO Portare i componenti del kit e i campioni fecali a temperatura ambiente prima dell’uso.
  • Página 15 ITALIAN CONTROLLO QUALITÀ CARATTERISTICHE DI ESECUZIONE Interno: Nel test è compreso un controllo della procedura. El aspecto Precisione clinica: ® de una linea de control en la posiciòn CTRL permite determinar si se Le prestazioni di Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B sono state ha añadido un Conjugado intacto al dis positivo, si el anticuerpo de la valutate in quattro regioni geograficamente diverse degli Stati Uniti.
  • Página 16: Legenda Dei Simboli

    G.K.H. Harding, B. Dyck, K. Olekson, and J.M. Embil. 2000. J. Clin. IFU 24650, Revisione 2012-04-10 Stampato negli U.S.A. Microbiol. 38:2706-2714. 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215, USA Informazioni generali: (800) 255-6730 Sito web: E-Mail: Tel. locali/internazionali: (913) 888-0939 Fax internazionale: (913) 895-4128...
  • Página 17 USO PREVISTO ® El kit de ensayo Xpect Clostridium difficile Toxin A/B de Remel es un PRECAUCIONES ensayo inmunocromatográfico rápido in vitro para la detección Para uso diagnóstico in vitro .
  • Página 18: Materiales Necesarios Pero No Suministrados

    SPANISH MATERIALES NECESARIOS PERO NO SUMINISTRADOS (1) Recipiente(s) para recoger las muestras fecales y (2) minutero. Material opcional no suministrado: (1) Medio de transporte de muestras, (2) cultivo en caldo de infusión de cerebro y corazón, y (3) gradilla de tubos de ensayo. PROCEDIMIENTO Deje que los componentes del kit se estabilicen a temperatura ambiente antes de su uso.
  • Página 19: Limitaciones

    SPANISH Externo: los controles de calidad positivo y negativo suministrados CARACTERÍSTICAS DE COMPORTAMIENTO con el kit deben realizarse en cada lote nuevo recibido. El control Exactitud clínica: ® positivo se utiliza para comprobar la reactividad de los reactividad de Se evaluó el comportamiento del ensayo Xpect Clostridium difficile los reactivos asociados con el ensayo y no garantiza la precisión al Toxin A/B en cuatro regiones diferentes de los Estados Unidos.
  • Página 20 98,6% (71/72) de las vecas. IFU 24650, revisado 2012-04-10 Impreso en los EE.UU 12076 Santa Fe Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215, EE.UU. Información general: (800) 255-6730 Dirección en Internet: Correo electrónico: Teléfono local/Internacional: (913) 888-0939 Fax internacional: (913) 895-4128...

Tabla de contenido