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The Gold ECCOLED R65 Beacon utilises powerful LEDs, arranged to produce a
360° flash pattern by combining the solid-state, maintenance free long-life nature
of LED technology. With additional features including multiple flash patterns,
synchronisation, CISPR 25, Pulse 5a (load dump) protection and vigorous testing
to the ECCO standard and OEM specifications. This high-performance range has
increased EMC, is robust and compact in a popular housing design and is available
in four standard mounting options. The ECCOLED range of beacons are suitable
for a variety of vehicles including applications where the UK lighting regulation
Chapter 8 is a requirement*. This range is designed to maximise resilience to
excessive vibration, increase the life of the product and are backed by a five-year
* Amber version only.
IMPORTANT! Read all instructions before installing and using. Installer: This manual must be delivered to the end user.
Failure to install or use this product according to manufacturers recommendations may result in property damage,
serious injury, and/or death to those you are seeking to protect!
Do not install and/or operate this safety product unless you have read and understand the
safety information contained in this manual.
Proper installation combined with operator training in the use, care, and maintenance of emergency warning
devices are essential to ensure the safety of you and those you are seeking to protect.
Exercise caution when working with live electrical connections.
This product must be properly grounded. Inadequate grounding and/or shorting of electrical connections can
cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or severe vehicle damage, including fire.
Proper placement and installation are vital to the performance of this warning device. Install this product so
that output performance of the system is maximized and the controls are placed within convenient reach of the
operator so that s/he can operate the system without losing eye contact with the roadway.
Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of an air bag. Equipment mounted or
located in an air bag deployment area may reduce the effectiveness of the air bag or become a projectile that
could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to the vehicle owner's manual for the air bag deployment
area. It is the responsibility of the user/operator to determine a suitable mounting location ensuring the safety
of all passengers inside the vehicle particularly avoiding areas of potential head impact.
It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to ensure during use that all features of this product work
correctly. In use, the vehicle operator should ensure the projection of the warning signal is not blocked by
vehicle components (i.e., open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles or other obstructions.
The use of this or any other warning device does not ensure all drivers can or will observe or react to a warning
signal. Never take the right-of-way for granted. It is your responsibility to be sure you can proceed safely before
entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around
traffic lanes.
This equipment is intended for use by authorized personnel only. The user is responsible for understanding
and obeying all laws regarding warning signal devices. Therefore, the user should check all applicable city,
state, and federal laws and regulations. The manufacturer assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the
use of this warning device.
This unit is a safety device and it must be
connected to its own separate, fused power point to assure its
continued operation should any other electrical accessory fail.
Installation and Operation Instructions
the area is free from any electrical wires, fuel lines, vehicle
upholstery, etc. that could be damaged
When drilling into any vehicle surface, make sure
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Resumen de contenidos para Ecco GOLD ECCOLED R65 Serie

  • Página 1 LED technology. With additional features including multiple flash patterns, synchronisation, CISPR 25, Pulse 5a (load dump) protection and vigorous testing to the ECCO standard and OEM specifications. This high-performance range has increased EMC, is robust and compact in a popular housing design and is available in four standard mounting options.
  • Página 2: Flash Patterns

    Notes: Larger wires and tight connections will provide longer service life for components. For high current wires it is highly recommended that terminal blocks or soldered connections be used with shrink tubing to protect the connections. Do not use insulation displacement connectors (e.g., 3M Scotchlock type connectors). Route wiring using grommets and sealant when passing through compartment walls.
  • Página 3 ECCO are obliged to make the following maximum speed recommendation for vehicles fitted with magnetic beacons: WE CAN ONLY RECOMMEND THE FITTING OF A ECCO MAGNETIC BEACON IF THE VEHICLE TO WHICH IT IS FITTED DOES NOT EXCEED A SPEED OF 70 M.P.H. FOR SPEEDS BETWEEN 40 AND 70 M.P.H., WE RECOMMEND THE USE OF A SUITABLE RESTRAINING DEVICE.
  • Página 4 Electronics Controls Company “ECCO” (Manufacturer) ECCO warrants that on the date of purchase, this product will conform to ECCO’s specifications for this product (which are available from ECCO upon request). This Limited Warranty extends for Sixty (60) months from the date of purchase.
  • Página 5 Langlebigkeit und die Wartungsfreiheit der LED-Technologie mit zusätzlichen Funktionen wie mehreren Leuchtmustern, Synchronisation, CISPR 25, Pulse 5a (Load Dump-)Schutz und weitreichenden Tests gemäß des ECCO-Standards und der OEM-Spezifikationen kombiniert. Diese Hochleistungsserie hat eine erhöhte EMV, ist robust und kompakt, verfügt über ein beliebtes Gehäusedesign und ist in vier Standard-Montageoptionen erhältlich.
  • Página 6 Wichtig! Achtung: Dieses Gerät ist eine Sicherheitsvorrichtung und Achten Sie beim Bohren in eine Fahrzeug- muss an eine separate, abgesicherte Stromversorgung ange- oberfläche darauf, dass der Bereich frei von elektrischen schlossen werden, um den weiteren Betrieb bei Ausfall eines Leitungen, Kraftstoffleitungen, Fahrzeugpolstern usw. ist, die anderen elektrischen Zubehörs zu gewährleisten.
  • Página 7 Leuchte an der erforderlichen Stelle und schließen Sie sie über den Zigarettenanzünder an die Fahrzeugbatterie Hinweis: In Anerkennung des Consumer Protection Act 1987, der die Produkthaftung abdeckt, und aufgrund der Art und Verwendung von Leuchten mit Magnetsockel ist ECCO verpflichtet, die folgende Höchstgeschwindigkeitsem- pfehlung für Fahrzeuge mit Leuchten mit Magnetsockel zu geben: WIR KÖNNEN DIE MONTAGE EINER ECCO-LEUCHTE MIT MAGNETSOCKEL NUR EMPFEHLEN, WENN DAS...
  • Página 8 Electronics Controls Company „ECCO“ (Hersteller) ECCO garantiert, dass dieses Produkt zum Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs den Spezifikationen von ECCO für dieses Produkt (auf Anfrage bei ECCO erhältlich) entspricht. Diese beschränkte Garantie gilt sechzig (60) Monate ab dem Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs. BEI SCHÄDEN AN TEILEN ODER PRODUKTEN, DIE DURCH MANIPULATION, UNFALL, MISSBRAUCH, UNSACHGEMÄSSE VERWENDUNG, FAHRLÄSSIGKEIT, NICHT GENEHMIGTE VERÄNDERUNGEN, FEUER...
  • Página 9 Pulse 5a (volcado de carga) y CISPR 25, y ha superado pruebas exhaustivas de conformidad con los estándares de ECCO y las especificaciones de OEM. Esta gama de alto rendimiento dispone de compatibilidad electromagnética mejorada, es robusta y compacta con un popular diseño de carcasa, y está...
  • Página 10: Patrones De Parpadeo

    ¡Importante! Precaución: Esta unidad es un dispositivo de seguridad Cuando taladre cualquier superficie del ve- y debe conectarse a una toma independiente de alimentación hículo, asegúrese de que no exista el riesgo de dañar cables con fusible para garantizar su funcionamiento continuo si eléctricos, tubos de combustible, tapicería del vehículo, etc.
  • Página 11 Nota: En reconocimiento de la Ley de protección del consumidor de 1987, que cubre la responsabilidad por el pro- ducto, y debido a la naturaleza y el uso de balizas magnéticas, ECCO tiene la obligación de hacer la siguiente reco- mendación de velocidad máxima para vehículos equipados con balizas magnéticas:...
  • Página 12 Electronics Controls Company «ECCO» (Fabricante) ECCO garantiza que, en la fecha de compra, este producto se ajustará a las especificaciones estipuladas por ECCO (ECCO facilitará dichas especificaciones previa petición). Esta garantía limitada será válida durante sesenta (60) meses desde la fecha de compra.
  • Página 13 CISPR 25, la protection Pulse 5a (chute de charge) et des tests rigoureux conformes à la norme ECCO et aux spécifications des OEM. Cette gamme haute performance a une SEM optimisée, est robuste et compacte dans un boîtier apprécié...
  • Página 14: Modes De Clignotement

    Attention ! Attention : Cette unité est un dispositif de sécurité et elle en cas de perçage de la surface d'un véhicule, doit être connectée à son propre point d'alimentation indé- s'assurer qu'elle ne comporte aucun fil électrique, aucune pendant protégé par fusible pour garantir son fonctionnement conduite de carburant, aucune garniture du véhicule, etc.
  • Página 15 Remarque : conformément à la Loi de 1987 sur la protection des consommateurs, qui couvre la responsabilité civile du produit, et en raison de la nature et de l'utilisation des gyrophares magnétiques, ECCO est tenu de formuler la recommandation de vitesse maximale suivante pour les véhicules équipés de gyrophares magnétiques : NOUS RECOMMANDONS L'INSTALLATION D'UN GYROPHARE MAGNÉTIQUE ECCO SI LE VÉHICULE SUR...
  • Página 16 Electronics Controls Company « ECCO » (Fabricant) ECCO garantit qu’à la date d’achat, ce produit est conforme aux spécifications d’ECCO (disponibles sur demande auprès d’ECCO). Cette garantie limitée s’étend jusqu’à soixante (60) mois à compter de la date d’achat. LES DOMMAGES AUX PIÈCES OU AUX PRODUITS RÉSULTANT D’UNE ALTÉRATION, D’UN ACCIDENT, D’UNE UTILISATION ABUSIVE OU INCORRECTE, D’UNE NÉGLIGENCE, DE MODIFICATIONS NON APPROUVÉES,...