b) to have your speaker repaired,
c) to claim a proportionate discount from the purchase price, or
d) to withdraw from the contract.
In case of non-substantial non-conformity with the contract you can claim one of the following rights:
a) to have the defect in your Louis Vuitton Horizon speaker removed, or
b) to claim a proportionate discount from the purchase price.
Furthermore, Czech law provides for a statutory guarantee against any defect occurring in your Louis Vuitton Horizon
speaker within twenty-four months from the original date of purchase. If the defect occurs within this timeframe you can
claim a replacement for your defective speaker, if it is not disproportionate in regard to the nature of the defect.
If the defect relates only to a part of the Louis Vuitton Horizon speaker you can only claim replacement of this part.
In case such replacement or repair is not possible, you can withdraw from the contract. If, however, the replacement