1. What can mydlink.com do for me?
mydlink.com provides users with a quick and easy way to view or manage
multiple cameras over the Internet. You can add your camera to your
mydlink.com account after running the Setup Wizard. Users can sign in to
mydlink and access their devices under their account from a PC connected
to the Internet anytime, anywhere.
2. What is mydlink No.? What is it used for?
Each camera has a unique 8-digit mydlink No. which will be shown on
the label on the back of your camera. This 8-digit number identifies your
device, and is required to add your device to your mydlink.com account.
3. What can I do if my DCS-5230L is not working correctly?
Try using the wizard on the included CD.
To make sure your hardware is installed correctly, make sure that:
- the front LED is lit solid green
- your Internet connection is working
- your router's LAN & WAN connections are ok
- your router supports UPnP
- your camera is on the same network as your PC
- both your PC and camera have a working Internet connection
If your camera is still not working, check your router and make sure it
is using the latest firmware.
I cannot run the CD wizard. How do I install my DCS-5230L?
You can install your camera by using the online wizard:
• DCS-5230L: http://DCS-5230L.mydlink.com