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For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ™ OwNERS MANUAl MANUAl DEl USUARIO NOTICE D’UTIlISATION Model No. Modelo No. Modèle No. 45-02941 (40") 45-02951 (48") TINE DE-THATCHER CAUTION: ADITAMENTO DE EXTRACCION DE PAJA Read Rules for Safe Operation DECHAUMEUSE...
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For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ENGlISH RUlES FOR SAFE OPERATIONS Remember, any power equipment can cause injury if operated improperly or if the user does not understand how to operate the equipment. lOOK FOR THIS SYMBOl TO POINT OUT CAUTION: VEHIClE BRAKING AND IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. IT STABIlITY MAY BE AFFECTED wITH THE MEANS -- ATTENTION! BECOME AlERT! ADDITION OF AN ACCESSORY OR AN YOUR SAFETY IS INVOlVED.
For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ENGlISH ASSEMBlY INSTRUCTIONS 5. Fasten the hitch mount arms to the outside of the angle brackets at the front of the tine shield. Use two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts and 5/16" nylock nuts. Tighten TOOlS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBlY and then loosen the nuts slightly. See figure 3. (2) 1/2" wrenches 6. Fasten the hitch mount arms to the outside of the hitch (1) 9/16" wrench arm mount brackets at the rear of the tine shield. Use (1) 3/4" wrench or adjustable wrench two 5/16" x 1" carriage bolts, and 5/16" nylock nuts. (1) Pliers Do not tighten yet. See figure 3.
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For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ENGlISH 11. Assemble the axle bracket on the outside of the angle 14. Assemble the spring align wires through the front and brackets using two 5/16" x 1" hex bolts and 5/16" rear rows of spring tines, passing the wires in between nylock nuts. The ends of the axle bracket must point the hitch mount arms and the tine shield. Bend the as shown in figure 5. Tighten and then loosen the ends of the wires to secure them. See figure 8. bolts and nuts slightly. AXLE BRACKET 5/16" x 1" HEX BOLT SPRING ALIGN WIRE 5/16"...
For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ENGlISH OPERATION / ADJUSTMENT 5. If the de-thatcher appears to be "jumping" during use, then extra weight should be added to the tine shield. In most conditions extra weight will be needed. Regular removal of thatch is critical to maintenance of a Concrete patio blocks are recommended for weight healthy lawn. Thatch is a layer of stems, clippings, run- because of their low profile; however any type of ners, roots and leaves that have not decayed. Excessive weight is suitable if it can be tied down to the shield.
For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ESPAÑOl REGlAS PARA OPERACIONES SEGURAS Recuerde, cualquier equipo motorizado puede causar lesiones si se opera incorrectamente o si el usuario no entiende cómo operar el equipo. PRECAUCION: El FRENADO Y lA ESTABIlIDAD OBSERVE ESTE SIMBOlO PARA INDI- PUEDEN AFECTARSE CON lA ADICION CAR PRECAUCIONES IMPORTANTES DE DE UN ACCESORIO O UN ADITAMENTO. SEGURIDAD.
For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 ESPAÑOl OPERACIÓN / AJUSTE 7. Ensamble juntos los extremos delanteros de los brazos de montaje del enganche usando dos pernos hexagonales de 5/16" x 1-1/4" y contratuercas hexagonales de 5/16". No ajuste Una extracción regular de la paja es crítica para el mantenimiento todavía. Vea la figura 4. de una césped saludable. La paja es una capa de tallos, recortes, plantas rastreras, raíces y hojas que no se han secado todavía. 8. Ensamble los soportes del enganche al tope y fondo de Una acumulación excesiva de paja impide que el aire, agua y los brazos de montaje del enganche usando dos pernos fertilizante lleguen a las raíces. El extractor de paja efectivamente hexagonales de 5/16" x 2" y contratuercas hexagonales de...
For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 FRANÇAIS REGlES DE SECURITE Rappelez-vous que tout engin motorisé peut causer des blessures s’il n’est pas utilisé correctement ou si l’utilisateur ne sait pas comment faire fonctionner l’équipement. ATTENTION : lE FREINAGE ET lA STABIlITé DU VéHICUlE RISQUENT D’êTRE AFFECTéS CE SYMBOlE INDIQUE lES PRéCAUTIONS PAR l’ADDITION D’UN ACCESSOIRE OU D’UN...
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For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 FRANÇAIS FONCTIONNEMENT / REGlAGE 7. Réunissez les parties avant des bras du b â ti de l’attelage à l’aide de deux boulons à 6 pans 5/16" x 1-1/4" et contre- écrous à 6 pans de 5/16". Ne serrez pas encore. Voyez la l’élimination régulière du chaume est essentielle au maintien figure 4. d’un gazon sain.
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For Agri Fab Discount Parts Call 606-678-9623 or 606-561-4983 TINE DE-THATCHER REPAIR PARTS MODEl NO's. 45-02941 (40") & 45-02951 (48") REF. PART QTY. DESCRIPTION REF. PART QTY. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. 40" 48" NO. NO. 40" 48" 1 23442 Hitch Arm Mount Bracket 13 HA21362 2...