If your vehicle has factory
crossbars, remove them now,
then proceed to step 3.
lOcATE fAcTOry hOlEs.
cOmbiNE bAsEs, wiTh skirTs, iNsTAll iNTO TrAck.
• Combine plastic upper base with lower base ensuring the
arrows on the lower base are pointed outward on the vehicle.
• Place lock washer on capscrew, then flat washer.
lOcATE fAcTOry scrEws wiThiN
fAcTOry TrAcks.
NOTE: ArrOws musT fAcE
OuTwArd AwAy frOm vEhiclE.
Use the provided
torx wrench to
remove forward
most and rear most
factory screws.
remove the covers
from the bases.
When the racks are not
installed, use the covers to
keep the bases free of debris.
Lock washer
Flat washer