There are 4 possible errors that the electronics of the COSMOS emitter can detect; if an error is
detected, one of the following codes will be displayed on the screen until it is resolved:
Failure in microcontroller, EPROM or other PCB component
Failure of the NTC probe (e.g. disconnected, short-circuited, etc.)
Failure in the Wifi module (damaged module)
(Flashing symbol)
Continuous failure over time in the Wifi communication
(Flashing symbol)
When recovering from error 1 or 2, the emitter will always go to Standby, without retaining any
previous mode or state. If the emitter goes to Standby without any specific reason, it may have
recovered from either error 1 or 2.
Errors 1 and 3 involve the replacement of the electronics, as there is a problem with a PCB com-
ponent. Error 2 involves the repair or replacement of the NTC temperature probe.
Errors 3 and 4 (E3 and E4) are failures related with the Wifi communication. Both errors are simply
displayed with "E3" or "E4" on the location of the Wifi symbol.
Although the emitter can immediately detect error 3, whether linked to a Wifi network or not, error
4 can only be detected when the emitter is linked to a Wifi network.
Error 4 would be detected by an emitter linked to a Wifi network when, after detecting a first Wifi
communication problem (displaying the crossed out Wifi symbol), this problem persists for at least
24 hours. Then, the crossed out Wifi symbol is turned into "E4":
When error 4 is detected, the COSMOS emitter automatically goes to Standby for security rea-
sons; however, it can then be returned to Operational again and be controlled with its control pan-
el, but without communication, until the error is resolved.
If the emitter is set to Operational through its control panel but error 4 is not resolved, after 24
hours without touching the keyboard, it will return to Standby again until the error is resolved or the
emitter is unlinked from its Wifi network.
If error 4 was due to a Wifi network outage or range issue, the error may be resolved by restoring
connectivity to the entire system and at the correct distances again. In this case, the correct Wifi
symbol will be displayed again. If however the problem persists with the entire system connected
and at the correct distances, the electronics should be replaced.