Instruct ons for safety and env ronment
ker, etc.) wh ch conforms to the electr -
cal regulat ons and d sconnects all poles
from the gr d.
Do not touch the power plug w th wet
Remove the plug from the socket by
gr pp ng the plug and not the cable.
1.4 -
Transportat on safety
Product s heavy; do not move t alone.
Do not hold ts door when mov ng the
Pay attent on not to damage the coo-
l ng system or the p p ng dur ng trans-
portat on. If the p p ng s damaged, do
not operate the product and call the
author sed serv ce agent.
1.5 - Installat on
Call the author sed serv ce agent for
nstallat on of the product. To make
the product ready for use, check the
nformat on n the user manual to make
sure that the electr c ty and water ns-
tallat ons are su table. If they are not,
call a qual f ed electr c an and plumber
to have the necessary arrangements
made. Otherw se, there s the r sk of
electr c shock, f re, problems w th the
product, or njury!
Pr or to nstallat on, check f the product
has any defects on t. If the product s
damaged, do not have t nstalled.
Place the product on a clean, flat and
sol d surface and balance t w th adjus-
table feet. Otherw se, the product may
t p over and cause njur es.
The nstallat on locat on must be dry
and well vent lated. Do not place car-
pets, rugs or s m lar covers under the
product. Insuff c ent vent lat on causes
the r sk of f re!
Do not cover or block the vent lat on
open ngs. Otherw se, power consumpt -
on ncreases and your product may get
Product must not be connected to supply
systems such as solar power suppl es.
Otherw se, your product may get dama-
ged due to sudden voltage changes!
The more refr gerant a refr gerator con-
ta ns, the larger the nstallat on locat on
must be. If the nstallat on locat on s
too small, flammable refr gerant and a r
m xture w ll accumulate n cases of refr -
gerant leakage n cool ng system. The re-
qu red space for each 8 gr of refr gerant s
1 m3 m n mum. The amount of refr gerant
n your product s nd cated on the Type
Product must not be nstalled n places
exposed to d rect sunl ght and t must
be kept away from heat sources such as
hobs, rad ators, etc.
If t s nev table to nstall the product close
to a heat source, a su table nsulat on plate
must be used n between and the follow ng
m n mum d stances must be kept to the heat
- M n mum 30 cm away from heat sources
such as hobs, ovens, heater un ts or stoves,
- M n mum 5 cm away from electr c ovens.
Protect on class of your product s Type
I. Plug the product n a grounded socket
that conforms the voltage, current and
frequency values stated on the type label
of the product. The socket must be equ-
pped w th a 10 A – 16 A c rcu t breaker.
Our company shall not be l able for any
damages that w ll ar se when the product
s used w thout ground ng and electr cal
connect on n accordance w th the local
and nat onal regulat ons.
Product must not be plugged n dur ng
nstallat on. Otherw se, there s the r sk of
electr c shock and njury!
Do not plug the product n sockets that
are loose, d slocated, broken, d rty, greasy
or bear the r sk of gett ng n contact w th
Route the power cable and hoses ( f any)
of the product n a way that they do not
cause r sk of tr pp ng over.
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Refr gerator / User Manual