Although all teas actually come from the same bush (camellia sinensis), their taste
and type vary according to their region of production, method of processing (different
fermenting, and drying processes and rolling techniques exist) and grade (whole or
broken leaves, fannings and dust).
Green tea: Rolled dried leaves, which are chopped and lightly roasted to prevent
them from fermenting. Leave to brew for 3 minutes only. Green teas are subtle-
flavoured, often bitter, and very pale in colour.
Black tea: Made from older leaves that are rolled, dried and fermented for a
considerable period. Brew for 5 minutes (or longer for Turkish or Russian tea).
Gives a powerful taste and a superb coppery colour.
Oolong tea: Midway between green and black tea. Slightly fermented. Brew for 7
minutes. Lighter in taste and paler than black colour.
Although purists drink tea plain, you may prefer to add cold milk to your cup before
pouring in the tea (with Indian or Ceylon tea), or add sugar and then lemon (with
green or flavoured teas).
Unplug it.
Let it cool down and clean it with a damp sponge.
Never immerse the kettle, its base, the cord or the electric plug in water or any other
liquid. The electrical connections or the switch must not come into contact with
water or any other liquid.
Do not use scouring pads.
The removable filter consists of a mesh to retain the particles of scale and prevent
them falling into your cup when pouring. This filter neither treats nor removes the
hardness of the water. It thus conserves all the qualities of the water. With very
hard water, the filter can clog very quickly (10 to 15 uses). It is important to clean it
regularly. If it is wet, put it under a running tap, if dry, then brush it gently. Sometimes
the scale will not detach itself; it will then need descaling.
De-scale regularly, preferably at least once a month or more frequently if your water
is very hard. Temperature detection in the kettle may be affected by limescale.
To de-scale your kettle:
Using white vinegar which can be bought from hardware stores:
Fill the kettle with ½ litre of white vinegar,
Leave to stand for 1 hour without heating.
(fig 5)