water. Now, you may assemble target outlet elements for example in the manner shown in the present figure. With the
use of the supplied elements, this layout may be adapted to the shape of a specific aquarium. If the sprinkler (36) is to be
utilized, it is recommended to install it above the water level in the aquarium; in such case it will effectively assist in aera-
tion of the water. The water stream from the directing tip (37) should be aimed for example in the direction of the heater
or the temperature control sensor.
After conclusion of the preparations described above, the filter may be launched. The filter pumps are started by placing
in a power supply socket the plug of their common conduit, emerging from the top of the filter cover (1). After the pumps
are turned on, the remnants of air inside the filter are removed. The filter de-aerates automatically.
After launching of the filter in operation, check whether the connections of the cover (1) and container (11), connections
at both ends of the elastic conduits (18), and the opening in the bottom of the container with the UV sterilizer are tight.
Possible improvement of tightness on the elastic conduits is easily done by detailed following of the guidelines described
in connection with figures 16-17. For the purpose of elimination of possible other leaks, proceed according to the guide-
lines of the instructions (section 8.4).
After launch, the control unit (16) is in basic position shown in figure 16, and the filter works with maximum output. In
case of need – e.g. in case of application in a smaller aquarium – the filter's output may be adjusted by twisting the control
unit (16) clockwise, following the „I" arrow on figure 18. (in the terminal position of the control unit shown in figure 18, the
output of the filter pumps falls down all the way to zero).
Following stabilization of the water flow in the filter, it is possible to launch the UV sterilizer in operation – its power cord
emerges from under the filter – by placing the plug stabilizer into a power supply socket concerns only types FZKN PLUS
and those filters, in which the user has installed a sterilizer himself according to section 5.2). A lamp will light up on the
plug stabilizer right away, signaling the operation of the UV sterilizer. The work cycle of the sterilizer should be established
experimentally, initially operating it for several hours a week. After the lapse of the planned period of operation, the steri-
lizer should be turned off, pulling the stabilizer from the power supply socket.
CAUTION: Do not cover the plug stabilizer of the UV sterilizer.
NOTE: Prior to commencement of any maintenance operations on the filter, disconnect it from power supply.
Due to the large capacity of the filtrating inserts, their cleaning or replacement will not be necessary too often. Initially it
is recommended to perform this once in 2 months, and then according to experience. More frequent maintenance will be
necessary only in the event of very large or „densely populated" aquariums.
NOTE: Never commence maintenance with opening of the filter! As long as the filter is filled and connected to the aqu-
arium, opening of the cover may cause – on the principle of connected vessels – water to pour out of the aquarium!
Proceeding according to section 7.1. you can safely disconnect the inlet/outlet system along with the control unit (16) and
leave them on the edge of the aquarium.
7.1. Disconnection of the control unit along with the input/output systems
Set the twist lock (19) in the top position [position „19L" according to figure 19].
Fig. 21. Twist the control unit (16) in the cover (1) anticlockwise by 45° until refusal, into the position shown in the figure,
according to arrow 'I' . In this position all inlets and outlets of the control unit are closed.
Carefully loosening, remove the control unit (16) along with all hoses as per arrow II and leave hanging at the edge of the
CAUTION: In such position no further operations are allowed on the control unit (16) ("flood" threat!!!). Maintenance of
the control unit and its settings is described in detail in section 7.4.
Tilt the filter slightly forward and on the rollers (14) – shown on the parts drawings – pull it from the closet. This way it is
possible to "ride" the filter to the cleaning location.
Fig. 22.
CAUTION: The water level in the filter is higher than the edge of the container (11), therefore you need to pour out
excess water – ca. 3-4 l – prior to removal of the cover (1).
6.2. Launch, usage and control
7.2. Maintenance of filtration media