The microphone sensitivity level of the baby unit may be set too low.
Set the microphone sensitivity level to a higher level in the menu of
the parent unit.
The baby unit and the parent unit may be out of range of each other.
Reduce the distance between the units.
Why does the parent
The baby unit also picks up other sounds than those of your
unit react too quickly to
baby. Move the baby unit closer to the baby (but observe the
other sounds?
minimum distance of 1 metre/3 feet).
The microphone sensitivity level of the baby unit may be set too high.
Decrease the microphone sensitivity level in the menu of the parent
Why does the parent
The microphone sensitivity level of the baby unit may be set too low.
unit react slowly to the
Increase the microphone sensitivity level of in the menu of the parent
baby's crying?
Why do the non-
The microphone sensitivity level of the baby unit may be set too high,
rechargeable batteries of
which causes the baby unit to transmit more often. Decrease the
the baby unit run low
microphone sensitivity level in the menu of the parent unit.
The volume on the baby unit may be set too high, which causes the
baby unit to consume a lot of energy. Decrease the volume of the
baby unit.
You may have set a maximum room temperature that is lower than
the actual room temperature or a minimum room temperature that is
higher than the actual room temperature. In this case the display is lit
all the time, which increases the power consumption of the baby unit.
This causes the non-rechargeable batteries of the baby unit to run
low quickly.
Perhaps you have switched on the nightlight. If you want to use the
nightlight, we advise you to run the baby unit on mains power.
Why does the charging
The parent unit may be switched on during charging. Switch off the
time of the parent unit
parent unit during charging.
exceed 4 hours?
The specified operating
The specified range is only valid outdoors in open air. Inside your
range of the baby
house, the operating range is limited by the number and type of walls
monitor is 330
and/or ceilings in between. Inside the house, the operating range is up
metres/1000 feet. Why
to 50 metres/150 feet.
does my baby monitor
manage a much smaller
distance than that?
Why is the
The baby unit and the parent unit are probably close to the outer
connection lost every
limits of the operating range. Try a different location or decrease the
now and then? Why are
distance between the units. Please note that it takes about 30 seconds
there sound
each time before a connection between the units is established.
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