Recommended Disinfecting Solutions
Holders should be disinfected in an autoclave or with a cleaning agent
after each patient.
Decontaminate the sensor, cable and holders in accordance with CDC – or your
country's (e.g., OSAP) standards – for infection control. Dental Imaging
Technologies Corporation Technologies Corporation (DITC) recommends
wiping the holders with one of the following cleaning agents.
CaviCide ® (Manufactured by Metrex)
Sani-Cloth ® Plus, HB (manufactured by PDI)
Clean the sensor using non appropriate tools.
The following solutions can be used to decontaminate the holders:
The sensor holders can be disinfected in a steam autoclave using distilled water
at temperature of 275
However, certain restrictions apply:
Run the appropriate autoclave cycle according to the
manufacturer's specifications for your specific unit.
Use the plastic or rubber modes, if available.
Always avoid direct contact of the holders with metal trays,
instruments, and heating elements.
Always place holders in autoclave bags.
Always situate bagged holders into the autoclave so that they are
furthest from the heat source.
Do not use a chemical autoclave.
Exposing the holders to hot metal and placing them close to heating elements will
reduce the lifetime of the holders.
(Distributed by Kerr)
(manufactured by Certol)
F (125
C) at 216 kPa for 12 minutes when bagged.