Background illumination
It is possible to choose out of 3 options:
bl off:
Background illumination is switch off.
bl auto:
Background illumination is automatically switched off after 6 s from last
measurement. Background illumination will be switch on again, if pressing any
button, or the load will change more than 4d
bl on:
Background illumination is active.
Switching Background illumination is decrease using the battery.
To set up 3 options or its changes please follow below instructions:
Scale must be switch on
Press button 0
When „Center" appears on the display, press , next option will be chosen.
After choosing the option, scale return to the zone 0.0.
The process should be repeated as often, as the correct choice will be
Error messages KPZ 51E-7:
E1 Zero area is higher than 10% of maximum capacity while switching on the scale. (example:
Scale is loaded while turning on, problem with plugging in, load cell is damaged)
E2 Zero area is lower than 10% of maximum capacity while switching on the scale. (example:
Scale is incorrect sets up, load cell is not loaded, problem with turning on, load cell is damaged)
E4 Zero area is not stable while switching on the scale. (example: environment influence, problem
with turning on, load cell is damaged)
E6 Area is to high while calibration the scale. (example: to big load on the scale, incorrect plugging
in load cell is damaged)
E7 Zero area is to low while calibration the scale. (example: load cell is incorrectly installed,
incorrect plugging in, load cell is damaged)
E8 To high division while calibrating the scale. (example: max capacity and division incorrect filed)
bl xxx
GB - 16