Step 1:
Select the port " Ethernet" , and get the printer IP from Self-
test page.(the default IP address is
Step 2:
Click the "Connection", if success, it will be shown " Discon-
Step 3:
Can be modified the relevant parameter of printers ( IP, Sub-
net mask, Gateway, MAC), After all the setting are done,
please power off and restart the printer.
Step 4:
About the printer "Function Set", you can set Print Mode
(Chinese/ASCII), Beep Set (ON/OFF), Cutter set (ON/OFF),
Print Density (Level 1 to Level 4), Serial Baud Rate (9600,
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200), Front set (Front_1, Front_2
and Front_3, ).
After all the setting are done, please power off and restart
the printer.
Step 5:
You also can do the "Factory Reset" and print the "Self-test
page" by this tool.
If all is done, please click " EXIT" to close the tool