The clamp is protected against voltages up to 600 V with respect to earth in measurement category III.
The protection provided by the instrument may be impaired if it is used other than as specified by the
„ Comply with the rated maximum voltage and current and the measurement category.
„ Never exceed the protection limits stated in the specifications.
„ Comply with the conditions of use, that is to say temperature, humidity, altitude, degree of pollution
and location of use.
„ Do not use the instrument if it is open, damaged, or incorrectly reassembled. Before each use, check
the integrity of the leads and of the housing.
„ The application or withdrawal of the sensor on uninsulated conductors at dangerous voltages requires
the use of suitable safety equipment.
„ If it is not possible to power down the installation, follow safe operating procedures and use suitable
means of protection.
„ All troubleshooting and metrological checks must be done by competent, accredited personnel.
1. PRESENTATION .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Delivery condition ................................................................................................................. 4
2. USE .................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................................... 7
4. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. Cleaning ............................................................................................................................... 8
5. WARRANTY ..................................................................................................................................... 9