Assembly instructions
All fittings have been tested for function at the factory and set for a run time of approx. 20 – 25 s at the following values:
1. Flow pressure: 3 bar
2. Mixed water temperature: 38 °C
3. Flow rate shower head: 10 l/min
Pressure changes, run time changes and temperature changes cause different running times:
1. Run time changes caused by flow pressure changes
Higher pressure – shorter run time
Lower pressure – longer run time
2. Run time changes caused by different flow rates
Lower flow rate – shorter run time
Higher flow rate – longer run time
3. Run time changes caused by temperature changes
Lower temperature – longer run time
Higher temperature – shorter run time
The run time can be set to a flow pressure of 3 bar between approx. 10 and approx. 30 s via the regulating needle. Run time fluctuations
resulting from pressure fluctuations within the mains supply are normal.
Rarely used fittings:
If used after prolonged operating pauses, allow water to drain (see recommendation of the Umweltbundesamt
(Federal Environment Agency).
Protection against Legionella:
If there is a risk of high Legionella concentrations, provide fittings with integrated flush valve (SCHELL LINUS D-E-T or D-SC-T) for
thermal disinfection or take other measures in accordance with DVGW work sheet W 551. Pay particular attention to installations for
persons with immune deficiencies.
Fittings with thermostat:
ATTENTION: Hot water temperatures which jump over the temperature barrier may result in scalds. If there is a risk of
non-observance (children, etc.), use temperature selection lever with fixed safety device (SCHELL accessory).
Maintenance information:
In accordance with DIN 1988 the RV must undergo an annual function test. The function of the thermostats should be tested at
appropriate intervals by the operator. The filters should be cleaned and, if required, descaled as specified in DIN 1988 Part 8 (for drinking
water heaters) every 2 years.
Instructing the operator:
Instruct the operator in accordance with VDE 6023.