The DCF signal
The DCF signal (time signal transmitter) consists
of time impulses which are transmitted by the
most accurate clock in the world – near Frank
furt am Main, Germany
Under ideal conditions, the radio temperature
station can receive the signals up to a distance
of around 2000 km from Frankfurt am Main
Reception of these DCF signals normally takes
between 3 and 5 minutes If reception of the
DCF signal fails, the temperature station will
stop trying to establish reception after around
7 minutes
Reception can be considerably restricted by
obstacles (e g concrete walls) or interference
sources (e g other electronic appliances)
If necessary, you should change the location
of the temperature station (e g put it by a
window) if reception problems continue
Displays in basic mode
Once the temperature station has received the
outdoor sensor signal and the DCF signal, it is
in basic mode
In basic mode, the temperature station shows
the following information on its display:
AFT 77 A1