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Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-2C20NA3 Manual De Instalación página 8


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

• Test runs of the indoor units should be performed individually. See the installation manual coming ith the indoor unit, and ma e sure all the units operate properly.
• If the test run w ith all the units is performed at once, possible erroneous connections of the refrigerant pipes and the indoor/outdoor unit connecting w ires cannot be
detected. Thus, be sure to perform the test run one by one.
A b o u t t h e re s t a rt p ro t e c t i v e m e c h a n i s m
Once the compressor stops, the restart preventive device operates so the compressor ill not operate for 3 minutes to protect the air conditioner.
W i ri n g / p i p i n g c o rre c t i o n fu n c t i o n
This unit has a w iring/piping correction function w hich corrects w iring and piping combination. When there is possibility of incorrect w iring and piping combination,
and confirming the combination is difficult, use this function to detect and correct the combination by follo ing the procedures belo .
Make sure that the follow ing is done.
• Pow er is supplied to the unit.
• Stop valves are open.
N o t e :
During detection, the operation of the indoor unit is controlled by the outdoor unit. During detection, the indoor unit automatically stops operation. This is not a mal-
Press the piping/w iring correction sw itch (SW871) 1 minute or more after turning on the pow er
• Correction completes in 10 to 15 minutes. When the correction is completed, its result is show n
by LED indication. Details are described in the follow ing table.
• To cancel this function during its operation, press the piping/w iring correction sw itch (SW871)
• When the correction completed w ithout error, do not press the piping/w iring correction sw itch
e n
(SW871) again.
When the result is "Not completed", press the piping/w iring correction sw itch (SW871) again to
cancel this function. Then, confirm the iring and piping combination in a conventional manner by
operating the indoor units one by one.
• The operation is done w hile the pow er is supplied. Make sure not to contact parts other than
the sw itch, including the P.C. board. This may cause electric shock or burn by hot parts and
live parts around the s itch. Contacting the live parts may cause P.C. board damage.
• To prevent electronic control P.C. board damage, ma e sure to perform static elimination before
operating this function.
• This function does not operate w hen the outside temperature is 32°F (0°C) or belo w .
• Using the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, explain to the user ho to use the air conditioner (ho to use the remote controller, ho to remove the air filters, ho to
remove or put the remote controller in the remote controller holder, ho to clean, precautions for operation, etc.).
• Recommend the user to read the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS carefully.
5 . P U M P I N G
When relocating or disposing of the air conditioner, pump dow n the system follow ing the procedure below so that no refrigerant is released into the atmosphere.
1) Turn off the breaker.
2) Connect the gauge manifold valve to the service port of the stop valve on the gas pipe side of the outdoor unit.
3) ully close the stop valve on the liquid pipe side of the outdoor unit.
4) Turn on the breaker.
5) Start the emergency COOL operation on all the indoor units.
6) When the pressure gauge show s 0.1 to 0 psi Gauge (0.05 to 0 MPa), fully close the stop valve on the gas pipe side of the outdoor unit and stop the operation. (Refer
to the indoor unit installation manual about the method for stopping the operation.)
* If too much refrigerant has been added to the air conditioner system, the pressure may not drop to 0.1 to 0 psi [Gauge] (0.05 to 0 MPa), or the protection function
may operate due to the pressure increase in the high-pressure refrigerant circuit. If this occurs, use a refrigerant collecting device to collect all of the refrigerant in
the system, and then recharge the system ith the correct amount of refrigerant after the indoor and outdoor units have been relocated.
7) Turn off the brea er. Remove the pressure gauge and the refrigerant piping.
W h e n t h e re fri g e ra t i o n c i rc u i t h a s a l e a k , d o n o t e x e c u t e p u m p d o w n w i t h t h e c o m p re s s o r.
W h e n p u m p i n g d o w n t h e re fri g e ra n t , s t o p t h e c o m p re s s o r b e fo re d i s c o n n e c t i n g t h e re fri g e ra n t p i p e s .
T h e c o m p re s s o r m a y b u rs t i f a i r e t c . g e t i n t o i t .
L E D i n d i c a t i o n d u ri n g d e t e c t i o n :
(Yellow )
R e s u l t o f p i p i n g / w i ri n g c o rre c t i o n fu n c t i o n
(Yellow )
Not lit
(Problem corrected or
Not completed
(Detection failed)
Refer to "SAFETY PRE-
Other indications
BLINKS" located behind
the top panel.

