Indicating the residual battery capacity
Press the check button on the machine to indicate residual battery capacity. The indicator lamps light up for few
s e c o n d s . R e f e r t o F i g u r e 5 .
Indicator lamps
Depending on the conditions of use and the ambient temperature, the indication may di er slightly from the actual
c a p a c i t y .
Machine / battery protection system
The machine is equipped with the protection system. This system automatically cuts o power to the motor to
extend machine and battery life. The machine will automatically stop during operation if the machine or battery is
p l a c e d u n d e r o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s .
- Overload protection : When the machine is operated in a manner that causes it to draw an abnormally high current,
the machine automatically stops without any indication. In this situation, turn the machine o and stop the applica-
tion that caused the machine to become overloaded. Then turn the machine on to restart.
- Overdischarge protection : When the battery capacity becomes low, the machine stops automatically. If the
machine does not operate even when the switches are operated, remove the battery cartridge from the machine
a n d c h a r g e i t .
Indicating the remaining battery capacity
Only for battery cartridges with the indicator
1 Check button
1 I n d i c a t o r l a m p s
Residual battery capacity
2 I n d i c a t o r l a m p s
F i g u r e 5
2 Check button
F i g u r e 6
12 E ng l i sh
5 0 %
t o 100 %
30 %
t o 5 0 %
0 %
t o 30 %