3. Clutch side HotGrips:
• Apply plenty of glue along the length and around the diameter of the handle bar where the grip
will fi nally sit.
• Push the grip into place ensuring that the HotGrips are positioned correctly so it does not foul the
clutch operation.
4. Throttle side HotGrips:
• If the grip is a very tight fi t over the throttle slider, then it is advisable to apply plenty of glue on
the actual nylon throttle slider on the inner most fl ange and less along the length of the throttle
slider. This is to ensure that the grip and glue do not set too early and half way up the throttle
slider. We would also recommend to apply a ring of glue around the outer end of the throttle slider
as some of this will naturally be drawn up the length of the throttle slider tube.
If however the grip slides easily over the throttle slider then we would recommend using plenty
of glue around the whole circumference of the throttle slider to ensure a safe and secure fi tment.
5. Be sure to act immediately to wipe away any excess glue with a dry cloth.
6. Allow the glue to dry for at least 24 hours before using. Ensure that the grips are fi rmly fi xed in place
before use. Do not use if the grip moves and seek advice immediately.
H: Wiring Harness Installation
1. Find a suitable location to mount the switch and then take the wiring back to the battery.
2. Install the switch in a suitable position ensuring the wires from the grips reach without strain.
3. The switch may be mounted on a fl at panel using the self adhesive mounting foam pad. It may also
be mounted on the metal bracket supplied (if the bracket is suitable for the vehicle). Please fi t the
foam pad between the bracket and switch to reduce vibrations. The bracket may also be bent to a
different shape if required.
4. On many bikes it is possible to fi t the bracket to the clutch clamp as shown below using the longer
bolts provided.
Install the HotGrip Switch
as shown using the optional
bracket (OF91)
5. The loom is designed for ease of fi tting. There are only 2 wires that need attaching to the motorcycles
existing wiring system. All other connections are through the multi pin block connectors and cannot
be fi tted the wrong way. Ensure that the round din plug connector is carefully assembled and that the
arrows on both halves of the casing are lines up before pushing together. If care is not taken it might
be possible to damage the small connecting pins.
Oxford Hotgrips instructions v.7 switch - 10/12/08