Water quality will be directly related to frequency of use, number of users and
overall maintenance of the spa. The water should be changed every
3 days if there is no chemical treatment being performed with the water.
It is highly recommended to use tap water for spa filling to minimize the influence of
unwanted content, such as minerals. Barefoot areas and relaxing areas shall be
cleaned as well. No cleaning water may flow into the spa or spa water cycle. The
dirt and cleaning agents shall be rinsed carefully to drain in the spa surround.
Note: We recommend you take a shower before using your SaluSpa, as cosmetic
products, lotions, and other residues on the skin can quickly degrade water
quality.To use the chemical dispenser, please follow the below instruction.
Using chemical tablets (not included):
Important: Don't use granulate tablets or throw the tablet directly in the water. The
chemicals can deposit on the bottom, damage the material and discolor the PVC.
Using chemical liquid (not included):
Important: Add chemical liquid in small doses and in
the center of the pool to avoid direct contact between
the chemicals and the PVC surface. Direct contact can
damage the material and discolor the surface.
NOTE: Remove the chemical dispenser from spa when the spa is in use.
IMPORTANT: After performing chemical maintenance and before using the spa, use
a test kit (not included) to test the water chemistry. We recommend maintaining your
water according to the following table.
NOTE: Damage resulting from chemical imbalance is not covered by the warranty.
Pool chemicals are potentially toxic and should be handled with care. There are
serious health risks from chemical vapors and the incorrect labeling and storage of
chemical containers. Please consult your local pool supply retailer for more
information about chemical maintenance. Pay close attention to the chemical
manufacturer's instructions. spa damage resulting from misuse of chemicals and
mismanagement of spa water is not covered by the warranty.
Important: Over usage of chemicals can discolor the printing and all points of the
spa material. It can also damage the structure of the spa liner.
Total Alkalinity
80 ppm -120 ppm
Free Chlorine
2 ppm- 4 ppm