Passionate lovers of fi ne timepieces appreciate the House of BUBEN&ZORWEG because of
its uncompromising approach to quality. Innovation and creativity are boldly developed
into convincing concepts. Luxurious masterpieces of craftsmanship, coveted and treasured
by passionate collectors, are founded on the ability to make clear and bold decisions.
BUBEN&ZORWEG constantly strives to push back the boundaries of feasibility.
Masterpieces from the House of BUBEN&ZORWEG refl ect precisely the extent to which the
company understands and shares the passion of the watch collector - and how far it is
prepared to break new ground in the quest to create items of beauty and luxury for those
who truly appreciate their value. The design combines classic tradition with clear, modern
contours. An uncompromising commitment to superior materials and exquisite fi nishing
makes masterpieces from BUBEN&ZORWEG to unique, luxurious objets d'art.